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Venues shut, attractions closed and council meetings cancelled, we take a look at how the Covid-19 outbreak is affecting the district.
A Kent couple, trapped in quarantine in Northern Cyprus over Covid-19 fears, are pleading with the government to help bring them home.
Connected Festival, which saw thousands of people party for 12 hours at a Kent airport, is set to return this year despite Covid-19 fears.
Two wild animal parks will remain open, despite a string of other tourist attractions closing due to fears over the coronavirus.
From online lectures to live streaming choir sessions, technology is playing a big part in keeping people connected during the coronavirus outbreak.
A couple are desperate to sell their flat amid their anger over the amount of litter and vandalism in their road.
We take a look back at a four-ship disaster in the English Channel which saw three ships sink and left more than 40 people dead.
Over 50s travel firm Saga announced it has temporarily suspended all cruise operations due to the coronavirus outbreak.
A prolific shoplifter who created misery for shops and businesses across Kent over a six month period has now been jailed.
A health centre and new office space could fill an empty Debenhams store following its purchase by the district council.
The founder of a Kent schools trust is preparing to take on a new role in the government advising the Secretary of State for Education.
Two men have appeared in court for firearm offences following the shooting of a pub landlord in 2017.
See what the new luxury apartment block on a former theatre will look like if plans are approved.
A restaurateur has lost an appeal to run a former late-night hot-spot as a separate venue to his restaurant following a string of complaints.
Human remains found hidden in a church wall have been described as a discovery of "national importance".
A road will be closed for a week after two days of heavy rainfall left it under water.
Graffiti has been sprawled on public walls, bins, private property and even churches in one Kent town, leaving residents feeling unsafe.
A man who stole Christmas presents from a home was identified after leaving a beanie hat at the scene of the crime.
A neglected theatre could undergo a radical transformation with the full proposals to be unveiled at a public consultation.
Camp beds, home-cooked meals and spare clothes are all on offer to guests at a 'life-saving' winter shelter, set up to stop people sleeping rough.
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