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A restaurant which opened 49 years ago has closed for good after the owners said the pandemic placed 'mental and financial' strains on the business.
A charity says illegal dog smuggling is on the rise during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the latest victims being six puppies discovered covered in oil.
A talented apprentice killed in a car crash has been remembered as a "loyal, loving and caring" person by her devastated family.
A police officer and two members of police staff are being investigated following the death of a teenage boy.
Plans for a permanent campsite for members of the traveller community have been given the green light.
A landlord still managed to open his pub this weekend, despite a car ploughing into it during a late night crash.
The family of a teenage girl killed in a car crash are asking anyone with information about the incident to come forward.
Worshippers returned to Canterbury Cathedral following months of closure for a special service led by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
A teenager girl was killed and four others seriously hurt after a car left the road and collided with a tree.
How did customers find Super Saturday at Kent's biggest and smallest pubs?
Emergency services rushed to the scene of a crash this afternoon, after five cars collided.
A pub still managed to serve drinks today, despite the building being seriously damaged in an early morning crash.
TV and film actress Jessica Hynes is preparing to swim 4.6 miles along the Kent coast to raise money for two charities.
Robopets Bonzo the dog and Simba the cat are providing therapy to care home residents - some who suffer with dementia - during the outbreak.
Firefighters spent four hours tackling a blaze at Port Lympne animal reserve after a compost heap caught alight.
Police have renewed their appeal into the death of a lorry driver after a witness brought new information to light.
Divisive plans have emerged to close a care home and transform it into flats overlooking the English Channel.
Crews at a lifeboat station have hit out after beachgoers used their building as a toilet, leaving the volunteers to clear up human waste.
Firefighters are reminding people to avoid bonfires after one became out of control this afternoon and spread to a van.
A security firm has been hired to manage a car park where visitors overstayed their welcome and had their vehicles locked in.
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