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A landlady fears new government restrictions meaning pubs and restaurants have to close at 10pm will put people of visiting.
A meeting held this afternoon revealed more information about how the army barracks being used to house asylum seekers will operate.
Forty beach chalets have been demolished and wooden ones will replace them as part of a seafront rejuvenation project.
A teenage entrepreneur turned lockdown boredom into a new business venture by launching her own beauty range.
New coronavirus cases are rising in four areas of the county, despite Kent's infection rate remaining much lower than the UK's.
Thirty-eight new homes will be built at a former hospital, while a further 14 will be built on the land next to it.
A bride-to-be has hit out at the latest Covid-19 restrictions, and rearranged her wedding in two days, so more than 15 people can attend.
A man has been locked up after police discovered two shotguns, two revolvers and a handgun at his home address.
Motorists are being advised to avoid an area following a serious collision this afternoon, which has left a road closed.
Two men have been arrested and a knife seized following an investigation into a break-in at a pharmacy.
A council is organising a community meeting to address any questions residents have about military barracks being used to house asylum seekers.
Hundereds of asylum seekers in 26 boats made their way across the Channel to reach the UK.
Police were called following reports of a large gathering and discovered a dead horse in the road.
Ambitious plans to restore a former theatre and tearoom and create 91 apartments above it have been given the go-ahead.
Officers were called to military barracks being used to house asylum seekers after a drone was seen hovering overhead.
A letter has been sent to parents and some children have been told to stay home following a confirmed case of coronavirus at a secondary school.
An MP says constituents, including two headteachers, have contacted him with concerns over plans to house 400 asylum seekers in military barracks.
A new scheme to create a mix of houses and flats on land at a former hospital are expected to be given the go-ahead.
A warning has been issued by police after men claiming to be from the water company entered two homes during alleged distraction burglaries.
Plans to restore a former theatre and create a nine-storey apartment block above it are due at planning and set to be approved.
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