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The inhabitants of two wild animal parks in Kent have been tucking into some early Easter treats.
A council has promised to 'act quickly' to 'secure the removal' of two unauthorised encampments.
Property mogul Fergus Wilson claims government plans making it harder for tenants to be evicted at short notice will put landlords off renting.
A village pub has reopened after being closed for months.
An appeal has been launched after an attempted robbery in an alleyway.
Fire crews were called to a Grade II listed house after a fire started on the ground floor.
A building was evacuated following a kitchen fire this afternoon.
Politicians and a fashion designer have recorded messages for Europe in the lead up to Brixit for an art project in Kent.
A playground was forced to close after vandals smeared dog mess on the equipment.
Tributes have been paid to a "lovely lady with the greatest character" after an elderly woman became trapped in a burning chalet and died.
A man is in police custody following the theft of a camper van, phone and bank cards.
Armed police carry out search following reports a man was seen with a gun in a town centre.
A car trailer stolen more than a decade ago has been found and reunited with its rightful owner.
A sixth teenager has been arrested following an alleged assault which left two people in hospital.
Seven giant poppies - created on a Kent beach - will commemorate the eventual peace after the First World War, seven months following Armistice Day.
A couple have proved love can conquer all after getting together half a century after they first met.
A girl was hurled from her horse when a driver overtook her so closely the reins got caught on the car's wing mirror.
Police have arrested three teenagers on suspicion of affray after a knife was seized from a car.
Footage showing a lorry driver's near miss on the M20 has raised fears about the safety of the contraflow system in place, dubbed Operation Brock.
A make-shift cabin being used to house a homeless man and his dog has been demolished.
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