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Fines issued as more people flout lockdown rules

15 April 2020
Fines issued as more people flout lockdown rules

Fines and warnings have been issued to people breaking lockdown guidelines, including kite surfers, paddle boarders and a couple enjoying a beach BBQ.


Spitfire pilot added to Churchill's famous ‘Few'

14 April 2020
Spitfire pilot added to Churchill's famous ‘Few'

A novice pilot was added to the list of Churchill’s famous ‘Few' in 2020 after it was discovered he fought in the Battle of Britain.

Total Covid-19 death toll is 15% higher

14 April 2020
Total Covid-19 death toll is 15% higher

New data reveals that the number of people dying from coronavius is much higher than is being reported by the government.


Road re-opens after fallen tree blocks it

14 April 2020
Road re-opens after fallen tree blocks it

A road has re-opened after a tree fell in the early hours of the morning, forcing its closure.

Cat sanctuary forced to deny link to Tiger King documentary

09 April 2020
Cat sanctuary forced to deny link to Tiger King documentary

A Kent wildlife park has had to deny any affiliation with a controversial big cat rescue centre which features in Netflix's Tiger King documentary.


RNLI boss takes 50% pay cut to keep charity afloat

09 April 2020
RNLI boss takes 50% pay cut to keep charity afloat

The boss of a charity that saves lives at sea will take a 50% pay cut in order to weather the storm caused by coronavirus.


'We don't want to be party to the spread on this dreadful virus'

09 April 2020
'We don't want to be party to the spread on this dreadful virus'

A cycle shop is closing its doors to the public in order to adhere to social distancing rules, but will offer one-on-one appointments.

Warnings issued to more than 100 rule-breakers

08 April 2020
Warnings issued to more than 100 rule-breakers

A council has revealed it issued more than 100 warning letters to people flouting government lockdown advice, and is now urging people to stay away.


More than 400 homes without power

08 April 2020
More than 400 homes without power

Engineers were sent to fix a faulty cable, which resulted in more than 400 homes losing power.

Plans to hold virtual Memorial Day

08 April 2020
Plans to hold virtual Memorial Day

Plans are being drawn up to commemorate Battle of Britain Memorial Day virtually due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Police fine people ignoring social distancing rules

07 April 2020
Police fine people ignoring social distancing rules

Officers have issued fines to people flouting social distancing guidelines in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.


Sunlight through binoculars causes flat fire

06 April 2020
Sunlight through binoculars causes flat fire

Crews tackled a blaze which is believed to have started after sunlight shining through a pair of binoculars set fire to curtains.


'Disappointment' as people play tennis during lockdown

06 April 2020
'Disappointment' as people play tennis during lockdown

A councillor says he is disappointed after people were spotted playing tennis despite government advice to stay home to stop the spread of Covid-19.


'Floating ship' appears in the sky

06 April 2020
'Floating ship' appears in the sky

A photograph has captured the moment the sky and sea blended into one, resulting in a ship looking like it is floating in the air.


'It restores your faith in human nature'

04 April 2020
'It restores your faith in human nature'

A couple, who are isolating for 12 weeks, were over the moon after being treated to a surprise meal to mark their 44th wedding anniversary.

Drugs and cash seized

03 April 2020
Drugs and cash seized

A man has been charged in connection with drug dealing after police discovered drugs and £9,000 in cash during a raid.

Lockdown sees reduction in reported crimes

03 April 2020
Lockdown sees reduction in reported crimes

Crime across Kent has reduced by nearly a third compared to last year following advice for people to stay home during the Covid-19 outbreak.


Rise in 999 calls about bonfires linked to Covid-19 isolation

03 April 2020
Rise in 999 calls about bonfires linked to Covid-19 isolation

A warning has been issued following a rise in the number of calls to 999 concerning bonfires since the country went into lockdown.

Volunteers surprise woman with cake and song on 89th birthday

03 April 2020
Volunteers surprise woman with cake and song on 89th birthday

A woman was 'thrilled' after volunteers organised a special birthday treat for her while in isolation, including cake and a song.

Music video is 'gift from teachers to pupils'

03 April 2020
Music video is 'gift from teachers to pupils'

Watch as staff at a primary school come together - albeit separately - to make a music mash-up video designed cheer up pupils and parents alike.

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