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Hundreds of people are set to be ordered out of their homes next week, a buy-to-let magnate has announced.
A woman was told she was sterile but underwent successful IVF treatment despite her husband having been diagnosed with cancer.
A motorist accused of driving the wrong way along a dual carriageway while under the influence of alcohol has appeared in court.
Pensioners' anger after water pipe burst leaving their sheltered accommodation sodden.
A man who “self-medicated” his ADHD with cocaine died after taking a lethal amount of the drug.
A mother-of-three who had "gone off the rails" died from an accidental overdose of heroin, codeine and diazepam, a coroner ruled.
A Royal Navy ship has been scrambled to patrol the waters off the Kent coast in the latest effort to address the influx of migrants.
Border Force has intercepted 12 suspected migrants, including a 10 year-old-boy, on the coast.
A new record shop - potentially the smallest in Kent - opened its doors this week and its owner hopes to make a big noise.
An old lady followed and confronted a man she thinks has been spraying 'tags' around her home town.
A watchdog has rapped a leading charity for the second time this year for the way it runs a nursery.
Destruction left in the wake of an unauthorised traveller camp has triggered a mass clean up.
A mum-of-four who claimed £10,000 in benefits by pretending to be permanently wheelchair bound was seen working out in a gym.
Police staff “did not breach professional standards” after a man died from a single punch, a watchdog has ruled.
Hundreds of people could be made homeless after Christmas, a buy-to-let tycoon has announced.
The wife of controversial landlord Fergus Wilson has been fined thousands for failing to supply hot water to a disabled tenant.
A drink driver could have plunged eight metres into a harbour after twice crashing into railings.
A drug den littered with 30 unsheathed syringes has emerged inside an abandoned subway – for the second time in just over a year.
The death of a 60-year-old man at a care home recently branded 'Inadequate' is not being treated as suspicious, Kent Police said.
A woman will face court in the new year charged with careless driving following the death of a motorcyclist.
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