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Farmers and nature experts have praised a council for proposals to ban the release of helium balloons and Chinese lanterns into the air.
An historic high street pub says it will close on New Year’s Eve following “rowdy behaviour” at previous events.
A Martello Tower owner has announced the winner of a public sweepstake for guessing the date a car would next smash through his fence.
Thieves made off with £9,000 worth of goods from a popular golf club, leaving staff feeling 'a nervous edge'.
Two girls managed to fight off a man who jumped out of a car and grabbed them after they refused to talk to him.
The driver of a huge articulated lorry lost control on the M20, causing the vehicle to jack-knife.
A multiple car crash on the M20 has brought gridlock.
Temperatures are set to dip below zero prompting one council to activate its 'Severe Weather Emergency Protocol'.
Police are hunting the driver of a white transit-style van who may have information after a landlord was shot dead in his pub.
A fostering agency has been ordered to improve after inspectors found significant failings were putting children at risk of harm.
The heartbroken partner of a landlord gunned down in his pub says she has no words for the "evil" shooter, as she pleads for witnesses to call police.
A driver became so drunk on whisky he pulled up in the fast lane of a motorway for a snooze.
A piece of history could be yours as this historic structure from the 19th century goes under the hammer at auction next month.
Police have allayed concerns over a flurry of unmarked cars and army helicopters in a district of Kent.
Residents caught up in a fire at a block of flats have described how the banged on doors to alert other neighbours as smoke filled the building.
More than 40 golf buggy batteries were stolen in a co-ordinated raid, amid police warnings the acid could be used to make a highly addictive drug.
A man in his 80s suffered a head injury when would-be burglars in balaclavas tried to smash their way into his home.
A young man who died in an industrial accident has been named locally, as loved ones pay tribute to a "big hearted character".
An Oscar-winning Hollywood actor shared a joke with passers-by after being spotted in a Kent high street.
A renewed investigation into the murder of a taxi driver 29 years ago has had an "encouraging response", say police.
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