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Children are not safe in east Kent's cash-strapped and under-staffed hospitals, inspectors have ruled.
A restaurateur who unlawfully covered their building in £20,000 worth of cladding hope a council will reverse a decision to strip it.
A businessman has taken over a landmark hotel following the bankruptcy of its directors.
The opening of a multi-million pound superstore has been delayed for a third time.
A power firm will press ahead with disruptive maintenance work after "bully tactic" claim.
A Michelin star pub landlord has blasted a power firm after being told the power will be turned off.
The potential for Kent to house the UK’s first nuclear waste storage site is still alive, amid mounting opposition.
A “funny and bubbly” great-grandfather-of-five died after collapsing into his granddaughter’s arms in a Tesco car park.
Morrisons has launched fresh plans for a new supermarket to replace a store destroyed in a fire.
A chip shop's licence has been stripped after illegal workers were found during an immigration raid.
Thieves stole dozens of birds from aviaries in the last week prompting calls for rural communities to be alert.
There are claims rough streets stop disabled people visiting a town centre amid complaints over uneven cobbles.
A man out on a date trashed a pub and hurled racist abuse at a barman when it took too long to be served.
Well-wishers have pledged to replace art supplies stolen from an autistic teenager.
Investigators have admitted they may never be able to explain what caused a car to fall on a garage worker.
The death of a garage worker crushed by a car has been deemed accidental because of a voluntary risk by a jury.
Dashcam footage shows the moment a van driver nearly caused a head-on crash with at truck.
Investigators have admitted they may never be able to explain what caused a car to fall on a garage worker.
A thief stole hundreds of pounds worth of meat from supermarkets to fund his heroin habit, a court heard.
A firm have calculated the cost of Donald Trump's Mexican border wall – in the hope they could help build it.
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