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A teenager who lost control of her car while reaching for a bottle of water left a care home worker with life-changing injuries.
A controversial landlord who evicted women with newborn babies is being investigated for discrimination.
Council chiefs have been branded ‘ageist’ after axing over-70s from a study into future housing projects - unless they were “articulate”.
A showdown looms between protesters and a council over its impending decision to build a beachfront housing estate and leisure centre.
A property magnate has evicted single mums with newborn babies following a row with a council.
Suspects who snatched ancient human skulls from a church crypt may be looking to sell them on the black market, it is feared.
A fraudster who swindled thousands posing as her own mother was snared juggling care allowance packages between two bank accounts.
A crash between a child cyclist and a car on a main road this morning has triggered an emergency response.
Police are hunting two men who set upon another man leaving him with serious facial injuries.
Police are hunting a suspect who attacked a teenage girl from behind with an unknown object as she walked alone this morning.
Police officers rescued a man trying to jump from a hotel's 10th floor balcony.
A crash involving two vehicles on a main road is causing tailbacks this morning, Kent Highways has said.
Thousands of benefits claimants have been hit by the roll-out of controversial Universal Credit - with some forced to travel miles to claim.
A Kent town erupted in a flurry of colour and tribal drums today in celebration of its annual Charivari Day under the flaring sun.
A total of three people have been rushed to hospital today following a crash on a main road.
Former factory workers have been stunned to discover their old boss secretly lived a life of daring magic tricks.
The riddle of how a professional magician's box of 1930s tricks ended up at auction could have been solved.
Campaigners “hijacked then derailed” a charity cinema screening of classic war-film Zulu, the event organiser said.
A pub has reopened six months after the landlord was found shot dead inside.
Developers are to turn historic college buildings dating back to the 15th century into homes.
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