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A millionaire dubbed “Britain’s worst landlord” has narrowly avoided prison after harassing council staff again.
A man has denied the murder of an artist who went missing while walking her dog near a beach.
Holidaymakers embarking on a trip to Europe on the first day of the Easter holiday are facing waits of up to two hours.
A convicted murderer claims he spent 26 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit – and will continue fighting to prove his innocence.
New drone footage shows how a sports centre’s long-anticipated £8m overhaul is progressing a year on.
Flood warnings are in place for numerous rivers as heavy rain continues to lash the county.
A developer hoping to roll out a new village medical centre has launched a scathing attack on a GP who has backed alternative proposals.
A body has been discovered near a railway station in the search for missing 82-year-old Anthony Brown.
A man, woman and their dog have died after being hit by a car.
A new storm is set to hit Kent and the rest of the UK today with gale gusts of up to 60mph in the county.
The story behind the heartless couple jailed for life after killing and maiming a traumatised child – who they claimed was just “clumsy”.
A “dangerous predator” who raped a young boy on a train after unleashing a sustained and sexual attack on a woman has been jailed for 24 years.
The heartbroken dad of a boy killed in a suspected hit-and-run has urged people to “cherish their children, as you never know what’s going to happen”.
The heartbroken family of a seven-year-old boy killed in a hit-and-run have made an emotional appeal to the driver to hand themselves in.
A seven-year-old boy has died after being knocked down by a driver who did not stop at the scene.
We look at the story behind the heartless couple who killed a traumatised child after trying to convince the world he was “clumsy”.
A suspect has been accused of strangling and causing serious head injuries to the head of a woman during a violent assault.
A smash between two lorries on the QE2 bridge has prompted delays and long queues.
A supporter has been arrested at a Gillingham football match after racist abuse was reportedly levelled towards a player.
A suspect has been arrested following a car crash where one man died and another was seriously injured.
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