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Campaigners are calling for a charity showing of epic war film Zulu to be axed over claims it contains “racist overtones.”
A box of magic tricks dating back to the 1930s has revealed details of a popular magician's life.
A couple are set to splash out on fast cars and holidays after netting a £3m Scratchcard win.
A self-employed gardener and his girlfriend are celebrating after after taking a punt on a scratchcard.
Stricter night-time license rules could be the “final nail in Kent town's coffin,” a doctor has claimed.
A man guilty of 29 child sex abuse offences was found holed up in a hotel 270 miles from home.
A pub landlord who narrowly escaped being shutdown “allowed drugs to be sold on his premises,” a licensing chief claimed.
A force has admitted "missed opportunities" in their investigation into a man found injured in a country lane.
A dog that fell down a cliff escaped uninjured thanks to a nine hour coastguard response.
Police are investigating new leads surrounding the whereabouts of a suspected killer who was placed on Interpol's worldwide most-wanted list.
The heartbroken father of a murdered teenager says he will never give up fighting to get justice for his son - 11 years after his death.
An outdoor cinema showcasing the world cup and international films will grace the Kent coast this weekend.
A high street bar owner could lose his licence as the council conducts a review following a string of accusations by police and neighbours.
A famous actress has backed a campaign to stop a pavilion from being turned into flats.
A driver who crashed a car into a pub admitted in court he was deliberately trying to harm people.
A Kent man was one of twenty-two people charged with drug supply offences following dawn raids.
Three suspects are being held in custody following an alleged assault on a main road.
A missing pensioner is recovering in hospital after more than 180 people joined the search to find him.
A driver was treated at the roadside after being freed from her vehicle by firefighters.
People have been left without water in their homes after a "burst", it has been confirmed.
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