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A man who threatened to stab a woman after saying 'it's a white man's world' claims he's not racist because he has relatives of different ethnicities.
A floral tribute has been placed at a crime scene as mourners pay their respects to a man who died following a reported street attack.
An abusive thug throttled his partner until it felt like “her eyes would pop out” and ordered she use a bucket instead of the loo.
Mother and son landlords who used violence and vandalism to intimidate and illegally evict tenants have been jailed after a judge called them "cruel".
Two suspects will 'likely be charged with murder' after a man died following an attack in the street.
Owners frantically tried to put out flames after a pyromaniac torched 11 vehicles in one night - including a campervan with a sleeping family inside.
A man who 'silently' inflicted 12 knife wounds on his screaming victim - and cut his throat - has been convicted of attempted murder.
A repulsive sex offender with 95 previous criminal convictions is back behind bars after groping a teenage girl on a train.
The manager of a Designer Outlet shop has been jailed after he stole £12,000 then vanished after feigning Covid.
A frenzied knifeman stabbed repeatedly at his neighbour’s barricaded door while making threats to kill - after being asked to turn down the stereo.
A rapist who claimed his victim and her friends pinned him down and subjected him to a sustained sexual attack has been jailed.
A man beckoned a clubber over in a smoking area before smashing a glass in his face and knocking him unconscious.
A bully forced his pregnant ex-girlfriend to flee her home with threats of rape, violence and death.
A woman was forced to help her “destructive” stalker down from a window after he became entangled in her curtains.
A man is on trial accused of attempted murder as a jury was told he raped another man, slit his throat and stabbed him multiple times.
An incompetent thief who unveiled his identity several times during a one-man crime spree has been jailed after falling asleep at a victim's home.
A drug addict unleashed a terrifying campaign of violence against his ex-girlfriend after trapping her in a car, leaving her fearing for her life.
A woman spared prison for slashing her mum during an argument about milk has now been jailed by a judge "sick" of giving her chances to mend her ways.
A stalker who breached a court order by following his victim on social media and driving by her house 15 times in a day has been spared prison.
A "callous" rapist subjected a woman to a "degrading" sex attack after forcing his way into her home, before targeting another victim.
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