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An aspiring vet has spoken of the financial hurdles she and others face in accessing jobs that require a degree with postgraduate funding.
Staff members and pupils have been told to self-isolate at a primary school on the border between two towns with different lockdown restrictions.
Councillors have praised a decision to scrap planned cuts to bus services but fear it may not be the end of the matter.
An eyewitness alerted police to people jumping out of lorries, a fortnight before the deaths of 39 people, a court has heard.
A council has partnered up with the police and a homeless charity as it looks to address a rise in documented cases of modern slavery.
A motorist has hit out at dangerous temporary road work barriers and has warned against their return after his van was wrecked in a crash.
Publicans either side of the Kent and London border have responded to today's introduction of tighter restrictions in the capital.
As London moves to a Tier 2 lockdown the head of the Kent council closest to the capital has advised residents to adopt recommendations.
Passengers have been told to expect some disruption to their journey after a station signalling issue.
A coffee shop boss who opened his second store during lockdown says trade has been boosted by customers seeking alternatives to working from home.
A concrete barrier and accompanying road works labelled dangerous by motorists have been withdrawn pending a 'rethink' by highways bosses.
An MP says offenders who assault emergency service workers should be given an immediate jail term after cases of spitting and coughing rapidly rise.
An award-winning wine producer is looking to expand into tasting tours as it bids to become a headline county attraction.
Two Kent postcodes are among those areas which have seen the biggest surge in asking prices over the last decade.
Plans to redevelop a derelict town centre and put in place a new hotel, cinema, and flats have been approved.
Theme park bosses have released a new image of the site as they reveal the feedback they received about plans for the new £5bn entertainment resort.
A new Youtube show dedicated to Arsenal fans has found an unlikely home at a pub owned by a landlord wearing opposite colours.
Work to build a multi-million pound distribution centre, tipped to be taken over by a major online retailer, has started.
A rescue mission was launched after a swan was spotted in distress with a fishing hook through its beak.
A council is set to decide whether or not to approve a major town centre redevelopment scheme.
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