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Amazon Prime customers will now be able to place food orders online for next day delivery
Two cases of coronavirus have been confirmed at a special needs school which has been working with Public Health England to make the building safe
Parts of a wall next to a castle were knocked down after a vehicle is reported to have driven into it.
A housebuilding firm has raised more than £30,000 to help keep a care organisation running
An aspiring young dancer has made the street her stage in a tribute to her late nursing great-nan
A selection of travel agents have explained what people planning trips abroad this year should do.
A rotary club has been collecting food items to keep NHS staff fuelled while working busy shifts
A council boss says Covid-19 has made him rethink everything he knew about running a local authority.
From national treasures to bankrupt boybands, we look back at some of the county's memorable contributions to the song contest through the years.
Members of a crime network have been jailed for more than 50 years, after being caught hiding hundreds of kilos of cocaine inside frozen poultry.
A father has been creating animals out of old pallets for his daughter and is now taking orders in return for donations for the NHS.
A murder investigation has been launched after a man who had been stabbed was found dead.
Traffic volumes on the usually heavily congested crossing have more than halved since lockdown measures were introduced
A soup kitchen for the homeless says it has been forced to turn away some people as it struggles to meet the demands of the crisis
A council has unveiled special road markings in solidarity with key workers
An estate agent planning to reopen in three weeks says he was shocked the property market is open again but is hopeful it will withstand the crisis.
From violent gang warfare to crime solving aunties here's the latest TV series filmed in the county you can watch right now
A team of nurses has put together a video to mark International Nurses' Day
Officers were called after an unruly sheep escaped and was seen wandering the streets
An aspiring film maker has followed up his directional debut with his first feature length movie
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!