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The Conservative candidates vying for your vote at the next local elections to represent their communities have been announced.
An MP has sought assurances from government local streets will not be used by lorries to park overnight while they await custom clearance.
A primary school has sent some pupils home after confirming a positive coronavirus case.
Campaigners are pushing for a change in the law to elevate the status of pets above personal property after consistent dog thefts.
Plans have been submitted to transform a former quarry site into a £81 million new homes development which will include 200 flats.
The Beatles and Stones came knocking when a small firm created an ear-busting device that would define the '60s - here's its little known tale.
A planning application for a huge tunnel running between Kent and Essex has been withdrawn while bosses respond to feedback.
A teacher has been told to isolate as a precaution at a primary school where pupils are set to return following an earlier case of Covid-19
A ballet school which kept twinkle-toed toddlers occupied online during the first lockdown has landed a national award.
Primary school pupils have set up a new community food drive to help ensure no families go hungry this Christmas.
A drive to deliver toys to disadvantaged kids this Christmas is asking for help after drop-off points were closed in the latest lockdown.
Tributes have been paid to a mum and council worker who has died following a short battle with brain cancer.
A parent of a teenage son who took his own life has called for changes to mental health services to ensure patients get the help they need.
A secondary school has announced it will shut for two weeks after a steep rise in confirmed Covid-19 cases.
A fast food chain is investigating complaints made at one of its pizza joints following claims of serious food safety and hygiene issues.
Proposals to transform a used car dealership into a block of five flats have been approved - despite some opposition from town councillors.
Hundreds of residents have signed a petition calling for an active travel scheme to be scrapped after a spate of problems.
A secondary school has told certain pupils to stay home and isolate as a precaution following another confirmed coronavirus case.
A decision over plans to build more than 200 apartments on a greenfield site has been deferred amid concerns over parking spaces.
Staff at a supermarket have been helping keep people fed in several different ways.
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