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A drag artist who performs at one of the nightclub ravaged by fire has described the deep and heavy wound left by the blaze.
A plaque has been unveiled paying tribute to black historical figures who played a pivotal role in the movement for worker's rights.
Players have paid tribute to a former world darts champion and Kent pub landlord who has passed away.
A family who found fame on social media have been left devastated after part of their home was destroyed in a huge blaze.
Two men have been arrested in on suspicion of drugs supply offences by police using stop and search powers.
A Hollywood celebrity has shared an Instagram artist's reimaginings of one of Kent's public beach artworks.
Dumping a company's rubbish illegally in a country lane has earned a repeat fly-tipping offender a hefty fine.
A budget supermarket giant has submitted plans to build a second branch as it eyes up expansion opportunities locally.
A woman fled to safety after being sexually assaulted in a nature reserve.
Two men have been charged on suspicion of supplying class A and B drugs following a police stop and search operation.
A man has praised firefighters after a blaze which started in his garage threatened to spread to other parts of his home and neighbouring properties.
A working men's club was forced to close for England's last two games after a series of violent incidents broke out at the venue.
A tattoo shop boss has vowed to ban customers who share racist abuse online and says their deposits will not be returned.
Members of the community gathered on a busy road near the spot a 10-year girl was critically injured over the weekend.
Those hoping to catch another glimpse of an iconic airship travelling overhead were left disappointed after it was grounded due to poor weather.
Hundreds of children have been sent home after an outbreak of Covid cases led to more than half of pupils and staff being forced into isolation.
An investigation has been launched after classified defence documents detailing the Navy's passage through Ukrainian waters were found at a bus stop.
Here's the details of everywhere you can spot the iconic airship as it marks its return to the country after a decade long absence.
Police say a suspicious fire which gutted the ground floor of a disused pub is being linked to an assault in the area at the same time.
A busy road junction was closed in both directions for emergency repairs following a fuel spillage.
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