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The scale of Kent's social housing crisis has been revealed, as councils fail to meet homebuilding targets.
Work has started to give one of the busiest bridges in Britain a fresh lick of paint as part of a multi-million pound seven-year project.
A planning application has been submitted for thousands of new homes, bars, cafes and GP services as part of a new city centre for Kent's garden city.
A family is desperately trying to extend a search mission for a dad who went missing snorkelling off the coast of Bali.
A woman who tied a close family friend to a chair as part of an elaborate plot to rob them of £25,000 worth of jewellery has been jailed.
Road names on a garden city development are set to be named after iconic rock and pop albums in a nod to the Kent artist responsible for them.
Construction has started to transform a run-down skate park and deliver new facilities after funds were secured by a former reality TV contestant.
Proposals have been submitted for a new 8,000 seater multi-purpose stadium to sit at the heart of a new waterfront leisure and living destination.
A granddaughter says nurses failed to spot an infection which led to her nan's toes being amputated. WARNING: Graphic images.
Earlier delays have now cleared following a crash along a slip road section of the M25.
A tribunal for a religious doctor who received complaints over “spiritual” care to his patients has been called off after a last-ditch settlement.
The county is set to experience strong winds and downpours as more autumnal weather sets in.
Homeowners say they are stuck in low-rise flats they can't sell because of new regulations around unsafe cladding following the Grenfell disaster.
Church bells have tolled up and down the county ahead of a special service to be held at Rochester Cathedral in memory of the Queen.
A builders' merchant says its staff and business are being put at risk by flammable waste dumped in roadside ditches.
A man has been charged on suspicion of burglary after several neighbours reported suspected break-ins and suspicious behaviour near their properties.
Supporters have backed a football club's ambitious plans to build a new multi-purpose ground at the heart of a waterfront leisure destination.
Police have arrested a man on suspicion of indecent exposure in a wooded area near a primary school.
Police have warned motorists speeding along a busy dual carriageway to stop or risk being slapped with £100 fines under a new 'boy racer' ban.
Firefighters are tackling a large blaze which has swept through a shed, fencing and bushes.
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