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A cash-strapped council believes student landlords could be prospering at the expense of the city and may face calls to pay a charge.
Police are hunting a gang of masked raiders who broke into a house while the owners were in bed, tied them up and demanded money.
A man has died after a campervan crashed into a pole, despite the efforts of paramedics to save him
Delays have now cleared after a campervan left the road and hit a post.
Kent have agreed a one-year loan deal for promising Hampshire and England under-19s batsman Joe Weatherley.
A pub customer was faced with more than he bargained for after a practical joke left his car a little wrapped up.
The head teacher of a top grammar school has resigned just weeks after the conclusion of an investigation into her treatment of staff and pupils.
A family has paid tribute to a "charismatic and devoted" 49-year-old man who was a passenger in a car which hit a tree
Police are hunting for the people responsible for running a cannabis factory after more than 120 plants and cultivation equipment were discovered.
Environmentalists have appealed to drivers to turn their engines off while waiting at a busy level crossing
Following a series of deaths calls have been made to give drug users somewhere safe to get high - and help reduce heroin paraphernalia left in public.
A nanny who put herself in danger for a stranger has been described as "nothing short of inspirational" by judge.
Three vans have been involved in a collision this morning on a busy road
A driver has suffered a head injury after his vehicle left the road and landed upside down.
Hundreds of people attended a public meeting over the future of hospital services in East Kent.
Officers are trying to determine why a car crashed into a tree yesterday, claiming the life of the passenger.
A crash that closed the A2 left one person hurt and a car billowing smoke, police said.
Hundreds of people are this morning expected to attend a public meeting called by campaigners who fear for the future of healthcare in east Kent.
A £12,000-a-term school appealed to a council for financial assistance to pay for a £7.50 a head lunch for disadvantaged youngsters.
Concerns over vital health services at Kent and Canterbury Hospital have been raised at a meeting of campaigners today.