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My sex attacker should have been jailed

By: Alex Claridge

Published: 00:00, 02 June 2005

Updated: 17:16, 06 January 2014

JULIE PHILPOT: "I don't feel feel I have been wronged by the police but I feel that I have been let down by the law." Picture: GERRY WHITTAKER

THE victim of a sex attacker who was given a community service sentence says she feels justice has not been done.

Julie Philpot was physically and sexually attacked by neighbour Bob Donnelly when he went to her flat for help with his CV.

Miss Philpot, who suffers from diabetes, has waived the automatic right to anonymity given to sex crime victims to speak out after Donnelly's sentencing.

"What the court is saying is that you can breach an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, attack someone and sexually assault them and not go to prison," she said.


"I think Donnelly should have been put inside somewhere where he can be treated for his drink and drug problems."

Miss Philpot said that when Donnelly, 37, appeared at her flat in Copinger Close, Canterbury, on April 22, her partner had not wanted to let him in.

"But I thought we ought to give him a chance as he said he was trying to get his life back on track," she said. "He just wanted some help with the grammar on his CV."

However, Donnelly quickly began losing his temper, first punching the television and then picking an argument.

In the flat he downed 12 shots of 40 per cent alcohol in one go plus half a decanter of rum.

It was after this that Donnelly launched his physical and sexual attack on Miss Philpot, which included pinning her down while he simulated sex and biting her on the head.


"The whole thing has left me feeling that he hasn't been punished severely enough," she said.

"I don't feel I have been wronged by the police, but I feel that I have been let down badly by the law."

Donnelly, admitted assault, indecent assault, using threatening words or behaviour and breaching an Anti-Social Behaviour Order when he appeared before magistrates at Canterbury.

Prosecutor Jackie Morey said things turned nasty when Donnelly, who had been drinking and taking drugs, became aggressive in the flat.

"He punched the TV because he did not like what was on," Mrs Morey said. "The victim and her boyfriend tried to calm him down, but he was still so loud that a neighbour came down."

Miss Philpot tried to make Donnelly get out of the flat, but he grabbed her.

Donnelly tried to kiss her, forced her down and simulated sex. He then tried to put his hand down her trousers.

Miss Philpot and her boyfriend managed to get him off but he then grabbed her again and tried to bite her head.

Mrs Morey said police arrived to find Donnelly shouting and swearing out of his window. She added: "He had been drinking and in police interview he said he had taken Ecstasy and could not remember anything."

Cath Wallen, representing Donnelly, said he wanted to apologise to Miss Philpot and her boyfriend.

"He is ashamed and disgusted about the way he has behaved," Miss Wallen said.

Magistrates ordered Donnelly to do 100 hours community service, 12 months alcohol rehabilitation, pay £100 compensation to Miss Philpot and £50 court costs. He will also be placed on the sex offenders' register for five years.

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