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Arrests for knife crimes does not make Canterbury unsafe, says senior officer

By: Alex Claridge

Published: 00:00, 07 September 2015

Updated: 09:04, 07 September 2015

Police insist people have no need to fear that knife crime in Canterbury is soaring – despite a flurry of incidents involving blades and a needle.

The past three weeks has seen allegations of stabbings in public places, arrests for possession of bladed articles and a supermarket security guard pricked by a syringe.

Ch Insp Mark Arnold denied any link between the offences and says statistics show knife crime in Canterbury is no worse than anywhere else.

His comments came following a spate of offences over the late summer

Homeless Maurice Sturgess was charged with assault after a Sainsbury’s security guard was pricked with a hypodermic needle in Canterbury on August 13. This followed an incident at the supermarket in Kingsmead.


The 36-year-old is also accused of two thefts and possessing an offensive weapon.

He appeared at Canterbury Crown Court on Tuesday and is due to return on November 16.

A 19-year-old man and a woman aged 18 suffered knife wounds in the St George’s subway at midnight on August 20. Dean Richards, 32, from London Road in Dover, is charged with two counts of robbery, two counts of wounding with intent, and threatening a person with a blade.

He is in custody and due to appear at Canterbury Crown Court on September 7.

Harriet Kelly was found dead in a tent

Homeless drug addict Wesley Gurney, 38, has been given a suspended prison sentence for pulling a knife on staff at Boots in the Whitefriars.

They had stopped him for stealing on August 22. Gurney admitted threatening and abusive behaviour and shoplifting when he appeared before city magistrates.

He was handed 60 days imprisonment suspended for 12 months with a victim surcharge of £80 and costs of £235.


Four people were arrested after a fight in St George’s Street at 6.15pm on Thursday, August 27, in which a 22-year-old man from Dover was allegedly stabbed.

He was arrested on suspicion of assault and affray. Police also arrested another 22-year-old from Dover, a 21-year-old from Dover and a 16-year-old boy from Germany. They are on bail until October 26.

A 29-year-old man was arrested in St Peter’s Street at 1.40pm on Saturday, August 29, on suspicion of theft and carrying a knife.

Canterbury district commander Ch Insp Mark Arnold

Ch Insp Arnold says arrests were made quickly in each of the incidents.

“There are no outstanding offenders and my officers are now working hard to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice,” Ch Insp Arnold said.

“I want to assure the people of Canterbury that we treat all types of violent crime, including knife crime, extremely seriously.

"When knife crime is reported it’s invariably big news, but the statistics behind the headlines are no higher for the Canterbury district than they are for anywhere else..." - Ch Insp Mark Arnold

“The small minority of people who carry knives or blades should know that we actively seek to prosecute them.

“When knife crime is reported it’s invariably big news, but the statistics behind the headlines are no higher for the Canterbury district than they are for anywhere else.

“Carrying a knife or weapon for ‘protection’ is also illegal. In fact by doing so people are potentially placing themselves in greater danger because the knife could be used against them by another individual.”

Ch Insp Arnold added that tougher penalties for weapons crimes had come into force this summer.

Adults in England and Wales convicted more than once of being in possession of a blade face a minimum six-month prison sentence. Young offenders aged 16 and 17 face a minimum four month detention and training order.

Police are appealing for witnesses in relation to the St George’s Street incident near McDonald’s on August 27.

Anyone with information should call police on 01843 222289 or Kent Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting reference ZY/026885/15.

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