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Controlling Herne Bay man terrorised mum with demands for money for alcohol and drugs

By: KentOnline Court Reporter

Published: 05:00, 05 June 2024

Updated: 11:44, 05 June 2024

A mum terrorised by her controlling son resorted to hiding in her own home to avoid his threatening demands.

Marianne Montague’s life was made a misery by abusive Nicholas Montague, who constantly forced her to hand over money for alcohol and drugs.

Nicholas Montague’s controlling and aggressive behaviour left his own mum living in fear

So aggressive was his behaviour that she would make efforts to appear not to be home, or even leave her house in Herne Bay to stay elsewhere, so he could not find her.

On one occasion the 32-year-old even threatened to pull the handbrake on her car as she was driving if she did not give him cash.

Her months-long ordeal only ended after she felt she had no choice but to report her son to police.


Montague was later charged with harassment, abusive coercive behaviour, criminal damage, and racially abusing and assaulting the officer sent to arrest him.

He denied all the offences, but before trial changed his plea to guilty to all but the coercion charge, which was dropped.

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Nicholas Montague was sentenced at Medway Magistrates’ Court

Medway Magistrates’ Court was told how Montague’s behaviour had left his mother fearful in her own home.

“For the last few years he had a problem with alcohol and drugs, and he was constantly asking her for money to fuel his habits,” said prosecutor James Nichols.

“He moved back into the house and would constantly destroy items if she didn’t give him money.

“He would also refuse to get out of the car and when she was driving he would threaten to pull up the handbrake and get in her face and threaten her.

“She had to hide from him and at one point moved out of the property.”


Following an incident on May 21 last year, Mrs Montague called police and PC Al Mahmood was sent to her address.

Montague got into a confrontation with the officer and grabbed his face, calling him a “P***”.

It was also discovered that he had damaged his mother’s shed.

Nicholas Montague terrorised his mother and kept demanding she give him money for alcohol

“He was arrested and bailed with conditions not to go to Herne Bay or contact his mother,” Mr Nichols said.

“However, on June 9 he texted his mum and said something terrible had happened. She replied asking what was wrong and he replied asking for money.”

Montague then started pestering his mum with phone calls before she agreed to meet him at a train station, as she did not want him coming to her home.

Later the same day, following the earlier meeting, she realised Montague had arrived at her property and was in her garden.

“She was scared and had to turn the TV off and remain silent and she called the police,” the prosecutor said.

“She hid behind the sofa and crawled to her bedroom with him outside, and when officers arrived he was arrested.

“She told police she was not happy hiding in her own house and that she had to do something about it as he controlled her life.”

Magistrates were told that since being charged Montague had stopped drinking in an effort to change his ways, and his mother was in court to support him.

Nicholas Montague racially abused and assaulted a police officer. Stock picture

Mr Nichols said: “He was charged, but since then his bail conditions have been removed and his mum is now in full support of the defendant.”

Richard Graham defending, told magistrates his client was remorseful, explaining that he had encountered an issue with his bank card that meant he was unable to access money, which he struggled with.

“He understands he was abusing his mum, but the coercive behaviour charge was dropped,” he said.

“He’s not a well man. He’s had strokes and is on PIP and other benefits.”

Magistrates placed Montague on a two-year community order that will see him complete a six-month alcohol treatment requirement programme and attend 20 rehabilitation sessions with probation.

He was also hit with £200 costs and a victim surcharge of £114, which he will pay at a rate of £20 a month.

Chairman of the bench Stephen Billing said: “Your behaviour is not acceptable at all is it? You must learn from this and start to look after your mum.

“It’s down to you to look after yourself and your mother.”

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