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A Whitstable nursing home will be at the centre of a debate in the House of Commons tomorrow after MPs raised fears about its future.
Kent MPs Julian Brazier and Sir Roger Gale have tabled a debate on future funding for the St John retirement home in Gloucester Road following the charity's restructure.
Charity bosses want to abolish the St John Ambulance county divisions and replace it with a regional structure leading to fears for its future.
Politicians are worried the group's charitable aims are under threat and that they are in danger of being turned into a commercial organisation.
The debate will take place in parliament tomorrow afternoon in Mr Gale's name and the charity's retirement home in Whitstable is expected to be discussed.
Mr Brazier said: "I am particularly concerned for the future funding of the local St. John retirement home in Whitstable.
"Over the years many people have made sizeable donations to the home and, although St John Ambulance initially indicated that these monies would be ring-fenced for the use of the home, it now appears that this may not be the case.”
Mr Gale added: "As the Vice-President of the newly “re-structured” Canterbury and Coastal St. John I have very grave concerns over the impact that re-organisation is likely to have upon fundraising and, more importantly upon the First Aid training and services traditionally provided by St. John."