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Police hunting vandal after man launches plant pot at fish and chips van off Sturry Road in Canterbury

A fish and chip van owner has been forced to take his vehicle off the road after a plant pot was hurled through its window.

Rob Weston says the incident has devastated the business and adds he is unable to serve his loyal customers across east Kent for at least two weeks.

The damage to the window of the Howe and Co fish and chips van off Sturry Road in Canterbury. Picture: Rob Weston
The damage to the window of the Howe and Co fish and chips van off Sturry Road in Canterbury. Picture: Rob Weston

The 39-year-old claims the losses of not being able to serve people across Canterbury, Thanet and Ashford, as well as the damage caused to the Howe and Co van, total thousands of pounds.

“It has devastated the business,” he told KentOnline. “It has had a huge effect personally and professionally.

“But it’s not just me – it’s the customers. Some of them rely on us, particularly vulnerable people who can’t get out.”

Police are investigating the incident, which happened in Reed Avenue, off Sturry Road in Canterbury, at about 9.05pm on Tuesday.

Police want to speak to this man. Picture: Rob Weston/Kent Police
Police want to speak to this man. Picture: Rob Weston/Kent Police

It is understood a man launched a flower pot through the window of the fish and chip van before walking from the scene.

Mr Weston, who drives van 11 of the Howe and Co fleet, added: “I had to cancel a wedding I was booked to do this weekend as I can’t turn up with a broken window.

“That’s someone’s wedding plans put out, unfortunately.”

The vehicle had to be deep-cleaned as it was covered in glass and thankfully all the shards have now been removed.

Mr Weston adds the van is his only source of income and he has received a quote of £2,200 to fix it.

The Howe and Co fish and chips van was targeted. Picture: Rob Weston
The Howe and Co fish and chips van was targeted. Picture: Rob Weston

But it could be up to 12 days before the custom-made window is delivered and fitted, meaning he could lose up to £3,000 of income.

“There doesn’t seem to be any reason behind it,” Mr Weston said.

“I was very shocked someone would do that.”

Investigators have issued a CCTV image of a man who may be able to assist with their inquiries.

Anyone who recognises him or who has information that may assist is urged to call the appeal line on 01843 222289, quoting crime reference 46/46682/25.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete its online form.

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