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A furious woman told how water filled with leaves and feathers pump through her wrecked ceiling despite pleading with her landlord.
Father and daughter Rachel and Robert Wilsdon have struggled with leaks in their flat in Hales Place, Canterbury since January 2021.
Over time, a drip from the bathroom ceiling would become a “gaping hole” in the roof when, on December 3, water began cascading down.
Miss Wilsdon says she repeatedly complained to landlords Places for People and repairs were made today (December 22), after KentOnline approached the organisation.
However, she says when contractors started work on the roof they “made things so much worse”, and one leak became many.
Miss Wilsdon, who works in property maintenance herself, explained: “I can’t even put into words how angry I am.
“The new leaks started almost immediately once the workers started.
“We now have two additional ones in the living room, which have ruined my wallpaper.
“The lights have had to come out to make it safe, the airing cupboard has nearly come down and the ceiling next to my bed is pouring water.
“They were meant to be fixing it but instead they have made things worse.
“I feel completely let down that they have put us through this right before Christmas.
“They should have fixed it a year ago when I first reported it.”
Miss Wilsdon says her 80-year-old father Robert has already slipped on water collecting on the bathroom floor once, injuring his knee.
She says they have taken apart their tumble dryer to create a makeshift funnel to direct the leak into the toilet cistern.
The hole is so big that leaves and feathers come through it in the stream, she said.
Places for People took over the flat at the end of last year, and the 38-year-old reported the leak in January.
“We've had several people come - I think, about five or six call-outs.
“But they've been cancelled, or they just look at it and say there is nothing they can do.
“I can’t live like this anymore. I’m meant to be having a 90-year-old family friend over for Christmas who lives on her own.
“But, I would never forgive myself if she slipped on the water.”
The Wilsdons say they have forked out extra cash to keep their heating on high 24/7 in the cold weather.
Furthermore, mould has grown all over their house due to the damp, drafty conditions.
Miss Wilsdon added: “I'm just sick of everyone fobbing me off.
“My mental health has been shot - I’m always stressed and anxious about it.
“My whole home smells of damp. It’s horrible - as soon as you walk in it hits you.
“We are constantly scrubbing and re-painting walls.”
She reports that other flats in the property also suffer from mould, dampness and leaks, and believes the building should be condemned and levelled.
“When mum was alive she had cancer, I couldn't help her with it and get it fixed then. And now, it's happening again.
“It’s brought all the memories flooding back.”
A Places for People spokesperson said: “We are incredibly sorry for the length of time it has taken for the repair to be completed and for the position our customer has been in.
“This is unacceptable and we take responsibility.
“We can confirm that scaffolding was installed last night to provide operatives with access to the roof this morning (December 22).
“Unfortunately, the required roof repair is more severe than initially anticipated. But we have had multiple operatives on site all day, and they remain in attendance, working hard to resolve the problem and to ensure that our Customer’s home is safe and secure.
“The leak into the customer’s home has now been stopped and although this will require further repairs in January we are confident that the leak is now contained and under control.
“We are supporting our customers through this and remain in regular contact to ensure they are comfortable and to support them and keep them updated.”