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A woman has been arrested on suspicion of fraudulently taking UK citizenship tests for 12 people while in disguise.
Manager Ady Pennock says he’s not surprised by Denzelle Olopade’s good form at Dartford.
A teenager has been celebrating after he earned national schoolboy success at the weekend.
Confectionary giant Haribo has announced when it will be welcoming the first customers to its latest new store.
Plans have been submitted to build one of the country’s biggest battery storage facilities on farmland.
A ninth straight Isthmian Premier win sent Dartford top of the table while Ramsgate extended their lead at the Isthmian South East summit.
Landlords are selling up or hiking rent charged to councils by up to £600 a month on vital properties used to provide emergency accommodation.
A pair were captured on CCTV throwing rocks at fish swimming in a pond and hurling foliage into the water.
A fitness chain will be welcoming people to its latest Kent branch after months of delays.
A pile of fly-tipped waste, including a tyre, broken furniture and a fridge, has blocked a country lane.
An intensive care nurse who asked a teenage boy for “nice and naughty pictures” was in fact messaging an undercover police officer.
A charity boss has told of her “devastation” at losing almost £600,000 of public funding to look after parents of disabled children.
An 18-year-old who was reported missing has been found safe.
A sign has been put up in the window of a JobCentre Plus branch saying it will be closed until further notice.
Striker Eddie Dsane’s attitude has been praised by Dartford manager Ady Pennock.
A woman has been taken to hospital for her injuries following a collision involving a motorbike and car which prompted an emergency service response.
A reality TV star has avoided being sent to jail after successfully appealing his sentence for his “out of control” black Cane Corso biting a jogger.
An all-rounder has joined Dartford Cricket Club ahead of the new season.
Motorists are being told to expect delays after part of a busy tunnel was closed due to a collision.
A new tenant has been chosen to take on a former nightclub which closed suddenly almost a year ago.
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