ABC Boxing Stables in Longfield needs £25,000 after being destroyed by blaze
Published: 15:22, 03 November 2023
A boxing club which was destroyed by a fire is facing the fight of its life to restore it.
The large blaze took hold of the Boxing Stables ABC, a community gym used by adults and children last Friday night leaving them with a £25,000 rebuild job.
The club, which is found in Three Gates Road, Longfield, went up in flames just after midnight after an electrical fault.
A full-size ring, multiple punching bags and other gym equipment was left charred and ruined as a result.
Now, coach Luke Shilling is appealing for people to help him get it back up and running.
Mr Shilling, 42, said: “The gym suffered catastrophic damage and only the shell of the building remains with everything inside destroyed and ravaged by the fire.
“As has always been the case, the industry rallies around and the offers of help have been overwhelming and the rebuilding of this great establishment moves forward.

“It is with this in mind I’ve appealed for help – no matter how big or small financially – in helping us to put back together this fantastic community boxing club.
The Boxing Stables is a non profit charity based club and has managed over the years to take their young talented pool of fighters the width and breadth of the UK and into Europe.
Mr Shilling added: “For many years this club has been a meeting place and second home to so many fantastic young fighters and the unflinching dedication shown by the coaches.
“And like a phoenix this great club will rise from the ashes and once again be a hub for so many talented, gifted and dedicated young boys and girls.”
The club, which has more than 100 children and adults attend, admitted it was “absolutely devastated and upset” following the incident.
But they have managed to find temporary accommodation for some of their classes at Milestone Academy in New Ash Green who have let them use of one of their squash courts.
You can donate to the cause here.
So far, more than £3,600 of the club’s £25,000 has been raised and has attracted the support of famous actor Ray Winstone who shared the appeal on social media.
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Sean McPolin