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A plan to relocate a children's nursery to a site on the edge of Swanley Park has split opinion.
The Dawn to Dusk Day Nursery is desperate to re-locate after being given notice by its landlords at its present location in St Mary's Road, Swanley, that it must quit by March.
The company says a search for alternative premises has proved fruitless and unless its current plan is accepted there is a good chance the nursery, which has been in operation for 26 years, will have to close – leaving 70 families without access to childcare, and putting 24 staff out of work.
Swanley Town Council is sympathetic to their plight and has tried to find the business an alternative site.
Seven were looked at and the one they have settled on is to build in the car park off The Birches.
The problem is that it is in the green belt and the firm has to show "exceptional circumstances" why it should be allowed.
It has made the case that the loss of child-care place and jobs will outweigh any harm to the landscape.
Dawn to Dusk wants to build a single-storey nursery building and to extend the car park so that the existing 74 places are maintained, with an additional six places for nursery staff.
It argues that a nursery does not operate like a school. Parents do not arrive all at once, but rather at times of their own choosing. Therefore the pressure on parking spaces and on the local road network will be diluted throughout the day – the nursery operates between 7am and 7pm.
So far, there have been almost 50 public comments, with those for and against what is planned.
Most objectors say the green belt and the park should not be harmed for the sake of a private business, and also express concerns about the increased traffic on The Birches and the local road network.
While those backing the plans say the nursery is a vital resource.
One supporter said: "I have full support as it's a great development for the community and it provides greater education to children in surrounding area.
"The project will benefit the neighbours and nearby local communities in a greater extent."
Another said: "This is the only nursery that provides hours that suits working parents and make provision for children from under two to school age in the community. Therefore I am in support of this development."
Opponents say it is the wrong place for such a building. One said: "I believe this is not a suitable site for the nursery. This is a green space that is for the Swanley people and surrounding areas. It will bring more traffic to the surrounding roads which are already congestion."
"The land is designated as greenbelt and the proposed use cannot justify this vital protection being over-ridden," added a commenter.
The application will be determined by Sevenoaks District Council and can be viewed on its website.
The application number is 22/02541.