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Plans submitted to build warehouse on green belt land near Hockenden Lane in Swanley

Plans to build a large warehouse on green belt land have angered some residents who have branded it an “eyesore” and an “accident waiting to happen”.

Permission is being sought to erect the building on farmland south of Hockenden Lane in Swanley.

An artist's impression of what the warehouse could look like
An artist's impression of what the warehouse could look like

The proposed development, opposite the Bull Beefeater, would include the construction of up to 10,500 sqm of mixed-use industrial and employment floorspace.

There would be office space at the mezzanine level and 128 car parking spaces.

Proposals have also been made to create a controlled junction where Hockenden Lane meets the B1273 Maidstone Road, near the A20.

The current access to Hockenden Lane would also be widened to allow a two-way vehicle access road as well as a shared footway and cycle lane into the site.

The works will facilitate two-way access for HGVs and a new signal-controlled pedestrian and cycle crossing between Maidstone Road, London Road, and Birchwood Road is also proposed.

An artist's impression of what the warehouse could look like
An artist's impression of what the warehouse could look like

The design and access statement states the developers were “inspired” by similar plans at a neighbouring site.

These plans, which were approved in December 2022, included the demolition of existing sheds and small commercial buildings on Upper Hockenden Farm, on the opposite side of Hockenden Lane, to build new business units.

If approved, the development would create new jobs “in terms of office space and the new warehouse”.

The plans claim the development involved additional tree planting as well as “biodiversity enhancements”.

However, several people living in the area have raised concerns over the plans, with one person saying the warehouse would be an “eyesore”.

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Permission is being sought to erect the building on farmland south of Hockenden Lane in Swanley
Permission is being sought to erect the building on farmland south of Hockenden Lane in Swanley

They explained: “What an absolute destruction of our beautiful countryside. This is greenbelt land and offers nothing to the community of Swanley except more over-building and destruction of wildlife.

"What an eyesore. This is an accident waiting to happen with lorries turning into Hockenden Lane."

Another person added: “The area is already congested at the junction and this will make it worse. Swanley is known for its greenbelts and being a small village.

“These large warehouses will turn it into another Orpington”.

One person who lives nearby said the project “should not go ahead”.

“We deserve to live in our homes in peace...”

They explained: “This will be built right behind our homes and is not fair to the residents. There will be more pollution and a lot of noise.

“I bought my home because of the greenery around the area. Building these structures will bring down the value of our properties and create more traffic in a town that is struggling with the traffic already.

“We deserve to live in our homes in peace.”

However, Natural England, the government’s adviser for the natural environment, has not raised any objections.

In its submission it said it does not believe the proposals will have “significant adverse impacts on statutorily protected nature conservation sites or landscapes”.

You can see the full application on the Sevenoaks planning portal 25/00326/OUT.

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