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Dartford goalkeeper Deren Ibrahim dislocates shoulder in derby victory at Maidstone United

Dartford face an anxious wait to find out whether they will lose goalkeeper Deren Ibrahim for the promotion run-in.

Ibrahim suffered a dislocated shoulder towards the end of Darts’ 2-1 victory at Maidstone on Saturday, a result that leaves them outside the National South play-offs on goal difference.

The visitors finished the game with outfield player Lee Burns in goal and can only hope Ibrahim will be fit for the final three league games.

Deren Ibrahim clutches his dislocated right shoulder Picture: Martin Apps
Deren Ibrahim clutches his dislocated right shoulder Picture: Martin Apps

Assistant boss Paul Sawyer said: “Del at the end, I believe his shoulder popped out and they put it back in, so we’ll have to see what damage that’s done.

“I really don’t know how long he might be out. I’m not a medical person. I think sometimes it depends what damage it’s done to the ligaments around that area.

“We won’t know until it settles down and we’ll have to see how he is in the week.”

Darts also lost Danny Harris and Barry Cogan to hamstring injuries.

Sawyer added: “Danny pulled up at Truro the other night with a stiff hamstring, had a fitness test at the ground tdoay, felt it was okay but it’s reoccurred.

“I don’t think he’s pulled his hamstring but it seems very stiff so he needs probably a week off now.

“Barry Cogan I think was feeling his hamstring, which is why he came off. Again, we’ll have to assess Barry during the week.

“We seem to go from one extreme to the other. We have a lot of injuries, get a squad back together again and unfortunately it looks like we’re going to be down to lesser numbers again.”

Injured Dartford goalkeeper Deren Ibrahim makes his way off at Maidstone Picture: Martin Apps
Injured Dartford goalkeeper Deren Ibrahim makes his way off at Maidstone Picture: Martin Apps

Sawyer felt Dartford deserved the win that keeps their play-off hopes alive, although Maidstone disputed the penalty decision for Elliot Bradbrook’s early opener.

Keaton Wood’s own goal levelled it up before Nathan Ferguson’s spectacular winner.

Darts No.2 Sawyer added: “I thought we did well first half, we managed the game really well. I thought it was a penalty, the foot was high, and I thought we contained Maidstone really well.

“Second half they came out of the blocks well, obviously the own goal was unfortunate but that’s the character in the team at the moment, we’ve conceded a soft goal but we’ve still come back and it was an outstanding goal which won the game, and after that we probably should have gone on and put the game to bed.

“That was the aim today, just to keep involved in the play-offs.

“We felt if we’d lost we could have dropped as low as 10th. We want to be involved right until the last game of the season.

"We’ve got a couple of home games now, so it’s up to us to push on.”

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