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Planning application submitted for 70 homes on land off Ringwould Road, Kingsdown

Residents say a “ridiculous” plan for 70 new homes will result in narrow village roads being “overwhelmed” and an “appalling” loss of green space.

A planning application for the proposed housing estate on farmland off Ringwould Road, in Kingsdown near Deal, has now been submitted, much to the frustration of villagers.

The Woodhill Farm site at Ringwould Road, Kingsdown could be transformed with 70 homes
The Woodhill Farm site at Ringwould Road, Kingsdown could be transformed with 70 homes

In total, a 151 letters of objection have been submitted to Dover District Council (DDC) over the scheme, while more than 1,200 people have signed a petition against it since December, when the plans were initially revealed.

Resident Martin Thomas said on the council’s portal: “This development will overwhelm the narrow roads in the village.

“There is already an issue with traffic when the school is in term time. Ringwould Road is hazardous; unsuitable vehicles frequently use it, and there will be issues at the dangerous junction with the Deal-Dover Road.”

Gary Moor wrote: “The development relies on access from a narrow blind bend, next to a children's playground, which is dangerous enough for locals who have knowledge of the bend.

“Any accident that shuts the Deal-Dover Road, forces traffic through the village, quickly grinding the village to a halt.

Members of Kingsdown SOS protesting against the plans to build 70 homes. Picture: Kingsdown SOS
Members of Kingsdown SOS protesting against the plans to build 70 homes. Picture: Kingsdown SOS

“The school (Kingsdown and Ringwould Primary) is already oversubscribed with a large number of pupils coming into the village causing vehicle problems at each end of the school day.”

Others feared pressure being put on local facilities.

Anne McJee said: “This village has no public transport, doctors or dentists and few amenities for the amount of extra people this would incur.”

Raenne Nightingale said: “The amount of housing proposed for the space is ridiculous. A large swathe of the village was not built with cars in mind and the village is already swamped with traffic, especially during the summer months and at school run times.

“The local infrastructure does not support a development. The loss of yet more green space is appalling.”

Two letters of support have also been submitted.

The land is earmarked for 50 homes in the Local Plan. Picture: Google Earth
The land is earmarked for 50 homes in the Local Plan. Picture: Google Earth

A campaign called Kingsdown SOS (Stop Outward Sprawl) was set up last year when the plans were initially revealed, with the petition attracting more than 1,200 signatures.

London-based Kitewood Estates Ltd wants to build on the land at Woodhill Farm, which is already earmarked for 50 homes in the Dover district Local Plan.

The development is set to feature one, two, three and four-bedroom homes. These would be 66 houses and four apartments.

Kitewood says 49 homes would be for the open market and 21 (30%) would be affordable. A total 166 parking spaces are planned.

The company says there would be a new access point to Ringwould Road, due to the rural and narrow nature of the existing road.

Residents fear Kingsdown could be overwhelmed if new homes are built
Residents fear Kingsdown could be overwhelmed if new homes are built

The scheme would be on a 3.7 hectare site of farmland and would include 1.22 hectares of open space. All viable trees and hedges would be kept and enhanced, the applicants say.

The supporting statement from application agents DHA Planning states: “The layout, scale and appearance of the development is acceptable, taking reference from and integrating with the wider settlement of Kingsdown.

“It is to deliver a high quality and locally distinctive development which provides good levels of residential amenity.

“The development forms a logical extension to the existing settlement of Kingsdown whilst providing substantive areas of tree and hedgerow planting

“(It would) deliver a suitable and safe access off Ringwould Road and a new pedestrian connection off Glen Road.

“Furthermore the development will not have an impact on highway safety or result in severe impacts on the highway network.”

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In addition a spokesperson from Kitewood added: “Kitewood considers that the proposed development complies with the policies within the Local Plan including the site allocation policy and its associated criteria.”

It is not known when a decision will be made by DDC.

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