Owner amazed as frightened dog goes in search of her
Published: 08:00, 12 September 2013
When rescue dog Hockey ran off from woods having been spooked by the sound of a gunshot, owners Len and Sue Coe didn’t know where he might have gone.
Len was exercising Hockey, an eight-year-old Staffordshire bull t errier, and another of their dogs in Poulton Woods off Whinless Down when the shot rang out.
Hockey was obviously scared, and ran off. Len thought he might have headed back to the family home at Queens Avenue in Dover, but he didn’t.
Somehow, Hockey found his way to Dover Priory Station, and sat at the barrier outside the ticket office. Why?
Because Sue works for SouthEastern as a supervisor at Faversham railway station, and that’s where Hockey sometimes meets her, always accompanied by Len of course, when she finishes work.
“Hockey must have realised that as I wasn’t at home I was at work, and having been spooked by the shot he wanted his ‘mummy’!” said Sue.
For the full story see this week's Dover Mercury.
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Graham Tutthill