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Deborah Rose jailed for stabbing cheating husband seven times in Deal

By: Anna MacSwan

Published: 16:45, 14 September 2018

Updated: 17:35, 14 September 2018

A woman has been jailed for six years after stabbing her unfaithful husband seven times.

Deborah Rose, of Northbourne Road in Great Mongeham, near Deal, lost control after her spouse of 20 years, from whom she is now separated, boasted about his relationship with another woman.

The day before the attack, John Rose had collected his 47-year-old wife from the QEQM Hospital in Margate, where she had been admitted after an overdose of paracetamol tablets.

Deborah Rose has been jailed for six years

Mrs Rose, a mum-of-three who has been diagnosed as bipolar II, asked to stay the night at his flat in Beach Street, Deal.

The next day, he revealed he was in a new relationship with a woman he described as "a solicitor and a brilliant mother" after the pair had drunk Prosecco together and had sex.


Although Mrs Rose initially offered her husband her best wishes, after getting into the bath, her mood changed and she threatened to smash up his flat before throwing jugs of milk and water, a glass vase and a vacuum cleaner at him.

After grabbing a knife from the kitchen, she proceeded to open his wardrobe and started cutting his clothes, mattress and Venetian blinds.

"He thought he was going to die. You didn't call an ambulance..." - Judge James O'Mahony

Screaming "I'm gonna kill you," she stabbed him seven times.

He then staggered out of the front door and made his way down the stairs of his apartment block to get help.

Mr Rose, who was later treated for damage to his liver and a collapsed lung, had previously fathered the child of another woman while the couple were living in Spain.

Her defence barrister added that at the time of the incident, she was taking medication for bipolar disorder which would have resulted in extreme mood swings.

Describing the incident as a "horrific attack" during sentencing at Canterbury Crown Court today, Judge James O'Mahony said: "He thought he was going to die. You didn't call an ambulance."


"The incident lasted just over an hour.

Police in Beach Street, Deal, after the attack

"Such was the force with which you stabbed him that when the knife came into contact with bone, it smashed the bone as well."

But taking into account Mrs Rose's character and work as a counsellor with the homelessness charity Porchlight, her prison sentence was reduced from seven to six years.

He continued: "You were a counsellor at the time of the offence with Porchlight and I have had the most impressive references about your contribution to the community.

"You are clearly a very good mother to your children and you are now suffering."

Mrs Rose, had pleaded guilty to wounding her husband, from whom she separated in April 2017, with intent to cause serious harm.

Investigating officer detective constable Mark Butler said: "The argument between Rose and her victim spiralled out of control.

"Rose reached for a knife in the heat of the moment and has proved she had every intention of using it, which could have had fatal results.

"She didn't call an ambulance and he was forced to fend for himself and seek help from members of the public.

"I hope this prison sentence gives Rose time to reflect on her actions and understand the consequences of what she did."

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