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‘People weeing in bushes’ as public toilets shut at Victoria Park, Deal

By: Chantal Weller

Published: 05:00, 22 June 2023

Updated: 12:15, 22 June 2023

Walkers have hit out at the closure of public loos – as the loss of the facilities has left people urinating in bushes near a children’s play park.

The toilets at Victoria Park in Deal were shut in November by Dover District Council (DDC) following a spate of “excessive and continuous vandalism".

The loos in Victoria Park were shut following a spate of vandalism

At the time, council chiefs said it was “almost impossible to keep up with repairs due to the constant damage” caused by “mindless vandals”.

"No sooner is something fixed, it is broken again”, the spokesman added.

With no plans to reopen the toilets at the green in Park Avenue, residents have now voiced their concerns over the lack of nearby facilities.


Diane Cook says the closure of the loos is encouraging people to relieve themselves in the bushes.

“They should reopen them, especially with summer coming up,” she said.

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Diane Cook has seen someone urinating in bushes following the closure of the facilities

“I have seen people going in the bushes; it is disgusting and bad for the environment.

“Children use this park too, so it is really bad.”

Dennis McCaughan described the battle to keep the toilets in good condition as “an uphill struggle”.

He said: “I can understand the council not reopening them because of vandalism - they are strapped for cash.

“I have seen people check the toilets and they were kept in a fairly good condition, but it is an uphill struggle.”

Dennis McCaughan says he understands the decision to keep the toilets closed

Jane Cotton says it is a shame the loos cannot be reopened, and questions why people cannot use the facilities inside nearby Tides Leisure Centre.


She said: “Lots of people use this area, including children and dog walkers, so where will they go?

“I definitely think they need to be reopened.

“The town is very clean and I think the council is good at maintaining the area.

“I am surprised they do not plan to reopen them but it is down to funding. If they have money to do it, CCTV would be a good idea.”

Jane Cotton believes the closure of the toilets is down to funding

Another resident named David says vandalism in the town needs to be addressed before the loos can reopen.

“It is pointless reopening them if they are only going to get vandalised again,” he said.

“They were not in the best state before they were vandalised, but reopening them would be the same as chucking money down the drain.”

Another resident, who wished to remain anonymous, says her little girl recently had to go to the loo in the bushes.

“When a child needs to go, they need to go,” she said.

Council bosses say there are no plans to reopen the facilities in Victoria Park, Deal

“If we come to the park, we cannot use the facilities in the leisure centre or sports hall.

“It could be worth the council working with these venues so people can use their toilets.

“Or there needs to be a sign saying where the nearest loos are. There is a way around it but it is not a priority unfortunately.

“The council has a budget, so I understand.”

Bernard Montgomery, who contacted KentOnline, suggests limiting the opening hours to reduce the level of crime.

He said: “Sadly vandalism is a problem but in my experience tends to occur when the hours are less busy.

“An obvious way around that is to limit the opening hours or ask the police to keep an eye on the facilities.”

The public toilets in Victoria Park in Deal have been closed since November following repeated vandalism

A spokesman for DDC confirmed there are “no current plans” to reopen the toilets.

“However, we continue to keep council services under review, and to improve facilities where possible,” they added.

“This has included the recent refurbishment of the public toilets in King Street.”

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