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Dog rescue hero Smudge to turn on Deal's Christmas Lights?

By: Eleanor Perkins

Published: 00:01, 20 September 2017

A heroic dog from Deal is in the running to turn on this year’s Christmas lights after he sniffed out a missing hound during a walk.

Five-year-old terrier-cross Smudge gained his celebrity status on social media after he alerted his owner Gary Jones to Teddy, a small, black crossbreed, during a walk in Ripple.

Teddy’s owner Diane Creaven, from Bristol, had been walking him along the coast between Dover and Deal during a holiday in the area when he was spooked by two dogs and ran off.

Smudge in action sniffing out lost dog Teddy

She was distraught when he did not come back and, having exhausted searching the area for her lost pet, had to return home without him.

Now, Smudge’s Facebook fans are saying he should receive the honour of switching on the town’s festive light display.


Mr Jones, from Deal, who along with his wife Mandy adopted Smudge from Dogs Trust Canterbury in July 2016, said: “Smudge and I were walking on farmland outside Ripple, when he disappeared into a bush – all I could see was his rear end sticking out and he wouldn’t budge!

Hero Smudge has gained social media fame

“I walked off and called him but he didn’t come, which is unusual for Smudge so I went to see what he was fixated on.

“I could just see a dark shadow in the bushes. Smudge stayed put and refused to move until I investigated further, which is when I saw a pink tongue and white teeth among the shadows!”

The figure was Teddy. At first, Mr Jones thought he could be a farm dog from the area but could see nothing around to suggest who owned the animal.

He said: “I put Smudge back on his lead and checked the dog’s collar which had its owner’s phone number displayed.

“The poor boy was so shaken – he wouldn’t move from the bush, so I sat next to him feeding Smudge treats, and gradually gained Teddy’s trust after half an hour.

“He was very dirty, covered in shrubbery and appeared dehydrated. Clearly he was hungry from the way he devoured the treats.”

Lost and found pooch Teddy

Mr Jones contacted Teddy’s tearful owners and it transpired that the pooch had been missing for several days.


He continued: “I picked Teddy up and took him home while we waited for Teddy’s family to make the journey to come and collect him.

“I was really proud of Smudge for doing such a great job. When we first adopted him, his tough start in life meant that he needed support to boost his socialisation skills with dogs and new people.

“After about nine months of working hard with Smudge to improve these skills and his recall training, we’re so chuffed with the lovely dog he’s become, and we can now confidently walk him off-lead as he’s great with four and two-legged friends alike.”

Following Teddy’s disappearance, Ms Creaven’s daughter, Bridie, launched a Facebook campaign to find him. They displayed posters around the area but to no avail.

Diane Creaven reunited with Teddy

Ms Creaven said: “We’re so relieved to have our Teddy back home after such a horrendous ordeal. After assuming the worst, we were so shocked and immensely relieved when we received the phone call from Gary. Teddy was so happy to see us – he just ran around and around!”

She said she has been blown away by the kindness and support of complete strangers in Deal.

“Our Facebook campaign saw 800 members join and posts were shared countless times.

“We had people printing off missing posters, which they replaced after it solidly rained for 24 hours, and kind-hearted strangers even went out searching for Teddy.

“We can’t thank the dog community enough.”

Smudge with his rewards

Teddy thanked his doggy rescuer, Smudge, by sending him some personalised tasty treats and social media fans have also rewarded him with edible goods for his efforts.

Mr Jones added: “Smudge is quite the social media celebrity now, someone even suggested that he is nominated to turn on the Christmas lights in our town. We believe a dog is for life and as our first rescue dog, Smudge has enriched our lives in so many ways.

“We would encourage anyone considering a rescue dog to go for it. It’s a wonderful and rewarding experience!”

Peter Davies, secretary of Deal and Walmer Chamber which organises the Christmas lights, said: “Smudge and his fantastic work will be mentioned at our committee meeting this week.

“I’m an animal lover myself and this goes to show how local people feel passionate about anybody and anyone, no matter where they come from.

“We hope to at least invite Smudge to the lights reception where he can meet the stars of the Marlowe pantomime.”

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