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Surprise visit from a DeLorean takes Deal teenager with learning difficulties back to the future!

By: Eleanor Perkins

Published: 00:00, 01 June 2016

Updated: 13:42, 01 June 2016

The mother of a Deal teenager with learning difficulties says a surprise visit from a Back to the Future DeLorean has made her daughter’s decade.

Having heard that Courtney Harris, 18, was disappointed that the time travelling car wasn’t going to be at Deal’s Classic Motor Show on Sunday, owner Steven Wickenden made a personal visit to her home in Mary Road.

Pulling up at about 9pm on Saturday, he spent more than 45 minutes showing her all it could do.

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Her mum Kelly Harris, 40, said: “It really was a complete surprise.

“I had to get Courtney out of the bath. I said to her, ‘Come quick. Look out the front door’ and then I just filmed her.


“To her it was real. It’s magical that someone would do this for her. ”

Courtney Harris, 18, came downstairs to find the time travelling car outside her home
The owner of the car invited Courtney to sit in the DeLorean

Courtney has polymicrogyria, a condition that affects the development of the brain. She has a mental age of between five and nine and easily fixates on things.

Miss Harris, who owns Kelly’s Cleaning, a cleaning services business in Deal, introduced her daughter to the film three weeks ago unsure whether she’d be able to understand it.

Courtney was hooked and has since watched it more than 60 times.

Courtney watching the film at her home in Mary Road, Deal

During a trip to the Co-op, Courtney picked up a Back to the Future CD prompting the cashier to mention that the DeLorean might be at the annual car show on Walmer Green.

“He is one hell of a giving man. He took the time out of his busy schedule for no self gain and absolutely thrilled the pants off Courtney. It’s made her decade.” - Kelly Harris, Courtney's mum

Miss Harris knew her daughter would be extremely upset if it wasn’t so the night before she posted on Deal Watch on Facebook to ask if anyone knew whether it would be.

Mr Wickenden, who lives in Deal, responded saying unfortunately he wouldn’t be there.

He would usually attend but the car had been booked by someone else earlier in the year.

He asked for her telephone number and address so that he could inform her when it would next be displayed locally.


Little did she know he was planning something very special.

Steven Wickenden invited Courtney to sit inside and wear the cap that actor Michael J Fox has worn
Courtney Harris has watched Back to the Future more than 60 times in three weeks

Mr Wickenden had the 25th anniversary time machine shipped from Universal Studios in Hollywood almost six years ago.

The dashboard is signed by the cast and crew and is the only car in the world with all the signatures.

He invited Courtney to sit in it and put on the cap that actor Michael J. Fox, who played Marty McFly in the films, has worn.

He put her date of birth into the time machine and made the flux capacitor work.

He also issued her with a certificate of time travel which she insists her mum carries in her handbag with her at all times.

The dash is signed by the cast and crew and is the only car in the world with all the signatures.
Michael J Fox and Steven Wickenden last year

Mr Wickenden said: “It was a pleasure to make her dream come true.

“I was watching the television with my family and as the car was outside ready for the event the following day I couldn’t just sit there knowing this young lady’s dream would be ruined.

“I sent a quick message to her mum asking for an address and phone number. I didn’t mention I was going to turn up straight away.

“As I got around the corner I called to say come outside.

“It was a pleasure to do it, just to see the smile on her face.”

Miss Harris said: “He is such a gentlemen and one hell of a giving man. He took the time out of his busy schedule for no self gain and absolutely thrilled the pants off Courtney. It’s made her decade.”

She added: “When I put her back in the bath afterwards she said, ‘He’s gone back to see me being born’.”

Steven put Courtney's date of birth into the time machine

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