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The temporary pedestrianisation of Deal High Street has 'ceased suddenly' ahead of a peak weekend

By: Beth Robson

Published: 12:28, 18 August 2021

Updated: 12:39, 18 August 2021

A temporary high street pedestrianisation that allowed for social distancing on busy Saturdays has ceased suddenly.

Deal Town Council (DTC) received notice that Dover District Council is stopping the road closure between Stanhope Road and Union road, leaving the authority little time to reorganise it for this weekend.

Deal High Street on a busy Saturday. The road closure allows shoppers to walk in the road and not on narrow pavements. Picture Susan Carlyle

DDC confirmed this is because of unavailability of a suitable contractor but permission remains in place for it to continue once one is found.

The situation has been met with frustration by DTC North Deal councillor Susan Carlyle who said: “We are in the middle of the holiday period with the town full of visitors, so pedestrians will be crowded on pavements again.

“We have had less than a week to look at the problem and traffic will be back on Saturday because of it.”


It comes after Covid restrictions were further eased on Monday with double jabbed people now not having to self isolate if they come into contact with a confirmed coronavirus case.

Although described by Cllr Carlyle as a “popular” road closure, it sparked panic among traders in the affected area when a 10 week trial was first announced in August 2020.

"This has probably been the most positive policy DTC has had in years..."

Independent retailers feared potential customers would interpret the road closure as business closures and organised a photo call with posters exclaiming Deal is open.

But DTC and Cllr Carlyle said anecdotal feedback from pedestrians was positive when collected at a stall at the town hall over several weeks. Theree were also complimentary letters in this newspaper.

After an initial trial the closure was renewed in October and again in March this year.

The cost was paid for by a government fund administered by DDC. But as that scheme tails off, DTC awaits the outcome of an application for Welcome Back funding. Going forward various alternatives are being sought by DTC members to try to find ways in the long term to consider a new road scheme.

Cllr Carlyle added: “This has probably been the most positive policy DTC has had in years. Local people I have spoken to have said ‘what can we do? Can we start a petition?’ because it has been an improvement.”

Road closed sign on Deal High Street

Despite Cllr Carlyle’s enthusiasm for the road closure, Chris Howe of CJ Howe Jewellers said: “It did it’s job and they should now finish it.


“I haven’t heard from any traders that their takings have improved because of it. How can restricting people coming into the town be good for the town?”

A statement from DTC said: “The feedback on the temporary scheme has been largely positive.

A full report will be considered at September’s Full Council meeting on Tuesday, September 28.

“Before the pandemic, the Town Council had already consulted on the possibility of an extended pedestrian zone in Deal High Street.

“It did it’s job and they should now finish it..."

“The Council’s Transport and Infrastructure committee will be investigating this further in the next few weeks.”

A DDC spokesman said: “The order to temporarily close Deal High Street on Saturdays remains in place. The order was made by Dover District Council at the request of Deal Town Council as part of their town centre re-opening plans following the lockdown.

“The road closure was funded by the Government’s Re-opening High Streets Safely Fund, which included the costs of a contractor to put in place the road closure each week.

High street traders Chris Howe and Richard Taylor-Jones wanted the road to remain open to cars

“DDC advised Deal Town Council some weeks ago that the contractor they had been using to undertake the road closure each week was no longer able to do this work and we are discussing with the council what alternative arrangements can be put in place to enable the road closure to be put in place each week.”

Read more: All the latest news from Deal

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