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by Graham Tutthill
A River girl who plans to help children at a summer school in
Romania is raising funds for the project by going on a 12-hour
sponsored walk with her dad.
Becki Skelton, 17, is one of the sixth-form students from St
Edmund’s Catholic School in Dover who are taking part in 10-day
project in Romania, organised through the Life Foundation charity,
starting on July 14.
They will be working in rural areas around Bacau in northern
Romania, planning and carrying out various activities involving
sport, music, art and dance.
“In this area of Romania many children leave school at a very
young age and many do not have the opportunity to progress to
secondary school,” said Becki, who is also a member of Dover Gym
Each of the students has to raise £900 to cover the materials
and activities that they plan, as well as contributing towards
their travel and living costs. They have already organised table
fairs, raffles and other events at the school.
Becki’s dad, Ben, said he would give his support by walking with
You can sponsor Becki online at her web page
Full story in this week's Dover Mercury.