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Deal's Boxing Day Dip will take place at 9.30am tomorrow.
Organisers have announced that 237 people have already registered to take part in the festive event despite the earlier start time.
The charity event, which takes place to the north side of Deal Pier, usually takes place at 11am.
But there are fears that by then there would not be sufficient space on the beach for participants because of a forecasted high tide.
John Utting, who is part of The Rotary Club of Deal organising committee, said: "Safety of the dippers is our paramount concern and to ensure we have sufficient beach for this very popular event, we've decided to hold the actual dip at the earlier time of 9.30am, with registration for check in open from 8.30am."
High tide on Thursday, December 26 is forecast for 11.11am at a height of 5.4metres.
In addition to space constraints, organisers are concerned that dippers could find themselves out of depth quite quickly as a result of a newly formed step, creating by the pebbles on the beach.
Mr Utting said: "The is not at all unusual, with similar or even higher tides occurring each month."
The Rotary Club of Deal has taken over the annual event from Margarets Edwards of Deal Icebreakers 1981 who hosted it for almost four decades.
They hope to make it their signature event.
Entry on the day is £10. Queues are expected.
Coastguards and marshals will be in attendance to monitor activity in and near the water.
Deal Pier will be open thanks to Dover District Council which has agreed to cover the cost and Deal Pier Kitchen will also opening its doors from 8.30am to sell refreshments.
For more information call David Lister on 07875 956348.
Along the coast in Folkestone, you can register at The Mariner Pub in The Stade from 11.30am.
It will be held on Sunny Sands and people will enter the water at 1pm. The fancy dress competition takes place just before 1pm.