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by Graham Tutthill
A Dover pub has re-opened after dealing with a problem caused by rats.
An emergency prohibition order was granted under the Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 at Dover Magistrates Court on Friday in respect of the Ellie Café Bar in Dover’s Market Square.
The district council said the reason for the order was because of evidence of a rat infestation in all food areas of the premises.
But the pub re-opened on Monday evening.
Landlord Gavin Hughes said there had been problems with rats right along Gaol Lane, which is next to his premises.
"They came into our back yard went up onto the roof, nibbled through the roof and come in through a cavity," he said. "They then made their way down and nibbled their way into the bar area.
"People are aware that it is a problem in the whole area.
"We have now dealt with it in the pub and have re-opened."