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Deal High Street has been hit by a second robbery in a week – with a betting shop the latest victim.
The robbery, at the BetterBet shop, pictured left, took place just after 6pm on Saturday.
Police are not linking the incident to last Monday’s smash and grab at Ward & Corrigan Jeweller’s, where a raider broke part of the front window before grabbing jewellery and fleeing on a blue motorbike.
Peter Jull, a High Street businessman and Deal and Walmer Chamber of Trade member, said shopkeepers will be more aware but the chamber did not want the town turning into a ‘fortress zone.’
"There’s not a lot we can do to plan against this sort of attack," he said.
Advice on the Kent Police website suggests business owners protect their premises by hiring security staff where possible and installing CCTV.
It also advises shop owners to identify areas vulnerable to forced entry.
Mr Jull added, we don't want shutters everywhere.
"We want Deal to be a welcoming place where people are comfortable to shop," he added.
For the full story, see this week's Mercury.