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With government advice changing by the day over how it is tackling the coronavirus crisis, changes to the community in Deal, Dover and Sandwich are expected in the coming days.
You can check here whether planned events and services are still going ahead, and which public facilities, shops, restaurants and businesses are still operating.
Help for the elderly: This is one of the district's biggest concerns and with advice to self isolate for up to four months expected to come, we want to ensure the community's old folk are looked after.
Age Concern Sandwich has announced it will suspend services for older people at its centre from 4pm on Friday, March 20.
In a statement, manager said: "The centre will expand its community meals service and, all the while it is possible to do so, provide a ‘meals-on-wheels’ service to residents throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.
"It also plans to remain as a point of contact via a telephone helpline in order to continue to provide a vital support, information and advice to older people and their families during this time.
"If you know of anyone in need of meals on wheels, shopping or telephone befriending please call our centre on 01304 614237 or message us via our website ( or via our Facebook page."
The Deal Centre will remain open, with the two rotating staff teams across the Dover, Deal and Folkestone area providing essential community services to the elderly population.
They will offer shopping services, prescription collections and a telephone befriending service via 01304 372608.
Age UK at Dover will remain open even if it has to close. If the charity's Riverside Centre at Maison Dieu Road has to shut down during the coronavirus pandemic staff will still reach out to clients.
They will keep them company over the phone and deliver meals to them.
Site manager Alec Pichon said, on Monday, "Already our staff are cleaning the centre's door handles, internally and externally, every hour.
"We have not been told to close but even if we shut the front door we will not be closed.
"We are starting a meals on wheels service shortly and we will be able to do grocery shopping for clients.
"We are anticipating an order from the government for the over-70s to self-isolate for up to four months.
"We will keep them company by ringing clients over the phone to chat to them."
"We have not been told to close but even if we shut the front door we will not be closed"
Mr Pichon said that the centre would also speak to Dover MP Natalie Elphicke to see what funding is available should the centre lose income during a closure.
Deal and Folkestone's Age Concern branches are preparing a system of staff alternating between self-isolating and visiting clients.
The system will be put to once one the government formally gives the order for over-70s to self-isolated for up to four months.
Each week 23 of the staff will be attending the centres at Park Road, Deal, and Shaftesbury Avenue, Cheriton, and going out in the field as normal.
The other 23 will self-isolate and work from home using their phones and computers.
Both groups will alternate roles each week in an attempt to make sure all workers are free of the deadly bug.
Debbie Barry, manager for both sites, said: "Until the government gives the order it is business as usual. We have not intention of stopping our service if we can help it."
When visiting elderly people staff will be able enter the homes of those known to be well. But they will offer a doorstep service to those who are infected.
Leisure centres/gyms:
Tides Leisure Pool and Tennis Centre remains open.
Freedom Leisure’s managing director Kevin Fordham said: “At present our focus is upon ‘business as normal’ as best as we can but with a special focus on good hygiene for our staff and customers.”
Sandwich Leisure Centre remains open. Staff are completed online courses on Monday.
Manager Sarah Owen said: “All our policies, guidelines and assessments are being updated.
"Everything is running as normal and we are revising our cleaning schedules. We’re attached to a school even though we run independently so we’re following government guidelines.
“Whilst it’s safe for us to operate and we’re on top of the cleaning it remains business as usual and we’ll let people know if that changes on our facebook and website for up to date information."
Theatres and cinemas:
Like the travel industry, this sector is already taking a hit across the world.
After the announcement by the 'Prime Minister' last night, The Astor in Deal is closed until further notice.
The Lighthouse in Walmer has had a number of bands cancel events.
The venue has confirmed that its St Patrick's show (Friday) and Lucy Charlotte + Lady Nade (Saturday) have now been cancelled. Discussions for future events are ongoing.
Travel and holidays:
P&O Ferries confirmed this morning that all services between Dover and Calais are running as usual and on time for its customers.
The cruise industry has taken a hit and the Saga Sapphire docked in Dover Cruise Terminal on Saturday night and disembarked its passengers yesterday (Sunday).
On Monday the Port of Dover said no more cruise ships were booked to berth and evacuate passengers.
Dover Harbour Board says it continues to take official medical advice on coronavirus and raising passengers' awareness of the symptoms.
A spokesman said "The Port of Dover continues to take advice from Public Health England regarding the coronavirus.
"Along with the rest of the transport sector, we are distributing government health advice to the travelling public to raise awareness of the symptoms and will continue to monitor the situation closely."
Deal Carnival's red carpet fundraiser at The Court Yard has been cancelled.
Meanwhile planning for Deal Carnival and Regatta Week events continue with no sign of a cancellation. The organising committee has been given a substantial grant from KCC councillors Trevor Bond Derek Murphy to pay for a new float.
Immediate invitations have been cancelled including the Calais Trade Fair on March 28.
Dover Town Carnival is planned to carry on this summer.
But organisers are braced for a cancellation because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Colin Habbershaw, from the group, said:"We are monitoring the situation and at this moment in time we are still planning to go ahead with the parade but it could well change if it worsens. Otherwise as an organisation we've not been affected."
The parade is on Sunday, July 5, in a circular route from the Maison Dieu Road car park via Market Square and Bridge Street.
Deal Save the Children quiz has been cancelled on Thursday, March 26, at the Deal Victoria and Barns Close Cricket Club in Walmer.
But the charity's branch chairman Sarah Spong said: "We are so sorry that we are not able to hold the monthly quiz .
"But now that certain public gatherings have been banned we feel that this is necessary in order to avoid anyone locally becoming unwell with the coronavirus."
Sandwich Music Group's event, due to take place a the town's United Reformed Church on Saturday, March 28, has been cancelled.
Christine Farra, from the group, said: "At some stage we'll reschedule but, of course,we can't predict when this is likely to be."
A fitness boot camp to mark a new housing development has also been cancelled.
Barratt Homes had organised this for the new Aylesham Village houses at Dorman Avenue North on April 4.
A company spokesman said:"We are currently discussing with the personal trainer other possibilities for the boot camp, such as online sessions or issuing fitness advice, as we do not want to disappoint anyone who was interested in the sessions."
Dover Foodbank says donations to it could be affected by the tightening grip of coronavirus.
So it is asking people to press on with giving, even remotely through a click and collect system.
Project co-ordinator Jonathan Wheeler said: "We are aware that the developing COVID-19 situation may have an impact on the flow of donations to the foodbank.
"We would respectfully ask people, where they are able, to continue to support this work during the coming weeks and months."
The Foodbank is also changing its food distribution practice.
Recipients turning up with have to wait at the door for their parcel but not come inside the distribution centres.
From this coming Friday clients as usual can turn up at The Ark centre at Noah's Ark Road, or The Beacon at Beaconsfield Road, present their vouchers and receive their foodstuffs.
But from then they will not be able to come inside for refreshments or use of facilities.
Mr Weeler said: "We have, sadly, taken this decision to reduce any infection risk to those visiting for help and also to our volunteers whilst still maintaining our support for those in need."
The food bank stresses it does not have hand sanitiser available in general due to the national shortage of it.
If you want to provide by click and collect, rather than deliver in person, contact the Foodbank first on 07870 361180 or
Schools: So far schools are advised to stay open but foreign trips and some events have been cancelled.
Dover College stopped all sports fixtures for the rest of the spring term.
In addition all outings and trips for all pupils are scrapped along with all boarders' weekend trips.
All Prep School Wednesday and Friday morning chapels are now closed to parents including the Early Years' Mother's Day Service on March 22 and the Easter bonnet parade in April.
Prep School parents' evenings are cancelled although mums and dads will have an end of term report.
Little Fishes Carer and Toddler group which usually meets at St George’s Hall on Friday mornings has been cancelled until further notice.
Dover District Council reminds people that its services can be accessed online.
It urges people with flu-like symptoms not to attended its offices.
Council meetings have continue as normal, with full attendance at last Thursday's planning meeting.
Members of the public then were able to observe proceedings as usual from their designated gallery area.
A spokesman said: "Like all organisations, we are working closely with Public Health England both locally and nationally, and are following the latest guidance set by Government.
"We are working to make sure people are kept safe, including using technology where possible. We are currently reviewing our schedule of Council meetings. We are reminding people that Council services can be accessed online, or by telephone, and we would ask people not to come in to see us in person if they have flu-like symptoms. Other services are continuing as usual."
Deal Town Council has cancelled its Finance & General Purpose and Transport and Infrastructure committee meetings with all urgent business that would have been discussed at these to be included on the Full Council agenda who meet on Monday, March 30.
At this meeting members will also be considering what actions will be appropriate for them to take to support the community, staff and councillors. This will include any events and meetings that may be planned.
Church services and events:
The Blessed Mary church in Walmer has cancelled its 900th anniversary event on Sunday.
The Revd Canon Seth Cooper, Rector of Walmer and Cornilo, said, “We need to make the health and wellbeing of everyone our main concern and so have decided to postpone this event on the grounds that serving refreshments and crowding into a confined space could present a health risk in the light of the Coronavirus pandemic. Might I say a big thank you to the many who have helped to plan for the occasion and already made such an effort to be prepared. Please watch this space as we hope to be able to run the event later in the year.”
Regular church activities are continuing as usual for the time being.
Walmer Parish Churches is also hoping to help those who feel vulnerable or isolated because of Coronavirus.
If you would like to help with the church’s pastoral response to the Walmer community or know of someone in Walmer who might need help then please call the parish office 01304 366605 with details and members of the church’s pastoral team will try to help if they can.
Worshippers at The Beacon Church and Christian Centre were asked to avoid handshakes yesterday morning (Sunday).
The Methodist/United Reformed church, at Beaconsfield Road, Dover, also asked people with symptoms such as cold or fever not to come in.
A church spokesman said: "We displayed notices and gave out leaflets explaining the coronavirus guidelines which had been drawn up for our church and River Methodist Church.
" We asked people not to come in if they had a cold, fever or were feeling unwell, to use a hand gel as they came in and left the building and to wash their hands regularly.
"We also asked them to avoid shaking hands or making physical contact with others."
The church said yesterday's service attendance was about the same level as in other weeks.
But it has cancelled some if its activities for example the Wellness Wins weight watchers' meeting on Saturday, April 4.
The church spokesman added: "The situation will be kept under review and a decision will be made about future services when we see how it develops.
"We will also be discussing how we can support members of the church and the wider community during this time."
Steve Goodsell, a church warden for St Leonard's, St Martin's Gt Mong, St Nicholas's Sholden and St Richard's Mill Hill said they are hoping to maintain normal service pattern.
"That may well change. The Church of England is reviewing its policies," he added.
Kent Museum of the Moving Arts (MOMI) has closed amid fears for its visitors and staff aged over 65 years.
A statement from founders David Francis and Joss Marsh said: “This closure affects all screenings and workshops (including film handling and children's workshops).
"Our current series of Ealing screenings will be resumed as soon as we re-open.
“We will re-open with our new exhibition in place: Representation & Remembrance: World War One on Film & in the Media".
Pet advice:
Maxteds Pet, Garden & Aquatic in Deal will be offering a telephone ordering and local delivery service on all essential pet supplies.
They are at 136 High Street, Deal. Telephone 01304 375272
Don't forget to tell us about cancellations to your events, transport services, or if shops have to close their doors. Call 01304 365526 or email:
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