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Free parking for 30 minutes is to be introduced for shoppers at Sainsbury’s in Deal.
The move is being brought in by store manager Alan Jarvis after customers complained about the increase in parking fees and having to spend £10 before they can reclaim the cost of their ticket.
Mr Jarvis – who brought in unpopular parking restrictions after Christmas – has gained approval from the council, which manages the car park for the company.
He said he was not able to confirm when the free parking would begin or the method the supermarket would adopt to monitor the free time, but he hopes the changes will encourage people who need just a few items to continue using the supermarket.
“I understand the car park has caused a lot of friction,” he said.
“We’re looking to put a 30-minute free ticket in the machines.
“When we first made the car park changes after Christmas, the first reason was to stop the car park being abused by people who were not using the shop.
“We know it would be wrong to lower the £10 minimum spend, but I don’t want to penalise people who spend less than £10 with us.
The news comes at the same time as a group of traders, led by Dealec’s Andy Maple, have united to begin talks about the effects increased parking charges have on the town’s economy.
But Mr Jarvis said the good news only applied to his customers and was not to be abused by people looking for somewhere to park their cars free.