Services at Dover Gateway could move as part of a bid for Kent County Council to save cash
Published: 00:01, 03 April 2016
Services at Dover Gateway could be moved to Dover Discovery Centre in a bid to save cash.
Kent County Council (KCC) is considering proposals to move its services to the centre opposite the Dover Gateway, which houses the library, Dover Museum and the Adult Education Centre among other facilities.
This property is owned by KCC and the move would save the authority £32,410 a year.
A consultation has been launched to gather public opinion and there will be a series of information drop-ins at the Gateway in Castle Street.
A spokesman for KCC said: “This consultation is not about changing or taking away the services we provide. We understand these are vital services to many people and are valued by our customers.
“Whether the decision is taken to keep these KCC services in the Gateway or move these to the Dover Discovery Centre in the future, customers will still be able to access these services face to face in the future.”
Services run or funded by KCC at the centre include a health trainer service, Life Choice Independent Living, Occupational Therapist, Kent Supported Employment, blue badge assessments, community wardens, smoking cessation, Hi Kent and KCC general inquiries.
There are also a number of services available from voluntary organisations as well as Dover District Council.
KCC claims the customers who visit the Gateway rarely use KCC services.
It said out of 37,859 recorded visits to the Gateway in 2015, 84% were for DDC services, 5% were for other services and 11%, or 3,929 people were obtaining KCC services.
Dover Gateway opened in June 2009 and KCC put £559,000 towards the cost of building the premises.
In return DDC has covered the annual property costs in full from 2009 to 2016.
If a decision is made to retain KCC services at the Gateway, KCC will be required to pay a 50% contribution to the property costs.
It claims that given the low footfall, this would not be value for money.
For more information, visit a drop-in session on Friday, April 1, from 10.30am until 12.30pm, Monday, April 18, 2pm until 4pm, Tuesday, May 3, 10.30am until 12.30pm, Wednesday, May 18, 10.30am until 12.30pm, or Thursday, June 2, from 2pm until 4pm.
Or fill out the questionnaire at
The consultation closes on June 12, 2016.
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Emily Stott