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“I take issue with the fact that people think Dover Leisure Centre is dirty.”
Those are the words from Your Leisure’s managing director Steve Davis who spoke to the Mercury after last week’s scrutiny meeting.
Members of the committee discussed the Townwall Street premises’ state and what can be done immediately to improve it.
It was topic of discussion after Peter Ward, 35, of Balfour Road, began a petition about its future which gained 500 signatures from concerned residents.
Mr Davis said: “Certainly some of the tiles look old, you can scrape them or clean them but they need replacing.
“They (the council) would be wasting their money if the building is to be pulled down.
“If there are housekeeping issues then we need to keep staff on their toes but just because things look dirty doesn’t mean they are dirty.”
He said “throw away comments” like these “demoralise” the cleaning staff and that he feels sorry for them.
Inspectors from the council, including Mr Ward, and selected residents will tour the premises and log any damage or particular areas of concern.
The date for this has not been set, but it is understood it will happen within weeks.
The results will be presented in a later meeting where Mr Davis will be invited to attend.
The MD welcomed the inspection and said that people from the council do them on a regular basis.
While he would not share information about his housekeeping team he said that cleaners do come in at certain times of the day.
The same structure is implemented throughout all Your Leisure sites, he confirmed.
But Mr Ward, who has a full membership with the centre, said: “The important thing is to make the centre look clean and that it is safe.
"I just don't understand where the membership money is going."
“Your Leisure have got a lot to answer for, the immediate staff down there work hard and a dedicated cleaning team would be a logical step forward.
'I just don’t understand where the membership money is going.' - Mr Ward
A review has been compiled this summer into the sporting and leisure needs of people across the whole district.
By early October cabinet will be able to present the results, which will also include sites in Dover earmarked for a new centre or options for it to remain where it is.
Mr Davis said: “Nobody will be more excited about what the review shows than we.”