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Man from Whitfield, Dover, repeatedly punched his terrified mum in ‘disgraceful’ attack

A violent thug who punched his mum and ex-girlfriend has admitted his behaviour was “disgraceful”.

Jordan Lamoon, of Bindon Blood Road in Whitfield, near Dover, also threw a bottle at his terrified mother who called 999.

Jordan Lamoon, from Whitfield, near Dover, punched his own mother
Jordan Lamoon, from Whitfield, near Dover, punched his own mother

The unemployed 24-year-old was drunk at the time and when he woke up in a police cell claimed he could not remember what he had done.

A court heard Lamoon had also confronted a man with an “object” after accusing him of taking his phone.

He then went to his mother’s home in Dover where he attacked her, his former partner and two other people.

Lamoon was charged with common assault and four counts of assault by beating and initially denied them all.

However, he changed his plea to guilty when he appeared in court in July and a pre-sentencing report was ordered to be carried out on him.

Jordan Lamoon was jailed for breaching a suspended sentence and assaulting five people
Jordan Lamoon was jailed for breaching a suspended sentence and assaulting five people

He appeared at Sevenoaks Magistrates’ Court on September 20 to be sentenced.

Charlotte Frost, prosecuting, said: “At about 11pm on July 9, he turned up at a man’s address with two others. He enlisted them to get his phone back and he believed the man had his phone.

“[The victim] saw three people outside and an argument ensued about the phone.

“He [the defendant] had an object in his hand and he was demanding the phone and the man felt he was about to be violently assaulted.

“So that’s the common assault charge, being put in fear, so [at that point] the man went inside.”

Jordan Lamoon was jailed at Sevenoaks Magistrates Court. Stock picture
Jordan Lamoon was jailed at Sevenoaks Magistrates Court. Stock picture

The prosecutor said Lamoon and the others then left in a vehicle and went to his mother’s home.

Ms Frost added: “When he got there another argument broke out and he punched his former partner and assaulted another and then punched his own mother several times and another person in the chest.

“He also threw a bottle at his mother, but it missed her, but did smash. There were no lasting injuries [to anyone], but his mother made the 999 call and was distressed and very fearful of her son.”

Magistrates heard Lamoon has five previous convictions, including one for common assault. In 2020 he was convicted of criminal damage and affray and his mother has had a restraining order out on him before.

In April, he also had a community order varied into a 12-week sentence, suspended for 18 months, which he was in breach of with the new offences.

Jordan Lamoon claimed he woke up in his cell the morning after the incidents wondering what had happened. Stock picture
Jordan Lamoon claimed he woke up in his cell the morning after the incidents wondering what had happened. Stock picture

Geoff Playford, defending, told magistrates that Lamoon had spent 12 weeks remanded in custody since pleading guilty in July.

Mr Playford added: “He was drinking at the time, but while he’s been in prison he’s obviously been fit and well and wants to address his alcohol problem as this wouldn’t have occurred if he wasn’t intoxicated.

“He had misplaced his phone and he thought someone had walked off with it - and they all went to the man’s house to recover the phone, but he didn’t have it. It was a misunderstanding and, of course, he felt threatened with assault.

“He left with the others and then they had an argument amongst themselves and the assaults happened.

“It’s bizarre really. He woke up in the cells the next morning wondering what happened. No one had any visible injuries.

“He’s extremely remorseful and upset about it and wants to put it right in the future.”

Magistrates then asked Lamoon if he had anything to say about his offending as the probation service also felt custody was the only option too.

He replied: “My behaviour was disgraceful.

“My old boss is offering me my job back as a roofer. I could earn £330 a month.

“I’m not going to re-offend.”

Magistrates told Lamoon that because he was in breach of his 12-week suspended sentence they were going to activate it.

The chairman of the bench said: “You willfully and persistently failed to comply with the court community order.”

They also told him his most recent crimes passed the custody threshold and they were jailing him for 12 weeks for each of the five offences, but those sentences would run concurrently.

They said those 12 weeks would run consecutively to the 12 weeks he had been given for breaching his suspended sentence order.

So in total he was jailed for 24 weeks - but as he has already spent half of that time in custody already, he is likely to be released within days.

They also ordered he be placed on licence for 12 weeks after his release where he will be supervised by probation officers.

He is now banned from contacting his mother and the other victims he assaulted, apart from his former girlfriend, as the court heard she felt she did not need one.

Lamoon was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £154, which he will pay at a rate of £20 a month when he is released from prison.

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