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Bid to build 180 on land at Abbey Fields in Faversham met with dozens of objections

By: Katie Davis

Published: 08:57, 03 February 2020

Updated: 09:02, 03 February 2020

A bid to build a further 180 homes in Faversham has provoked a storm of backlash from furious residents.

Developers have lodged an application to construct a housing estate at Abbey Fields - but locals have not shied away from expressing their dismay.

The proposed development in Faversham

No fewer than 80 objections have so far been lodged against proposals, which would see a mix of two, three and four-bedroom homes built on the 32-acre site, should plans be rubber-stamped by Swale Borough Council.

Leading the fight against plans are those living on the outskirts of the earmarked land.

Lesley Seager, who lives in neighbouring road Abbeyfields, has slammed the application and says “too much of Faversham’s unspoiled land is being taken for building”.


She added: “People feel very annoyed that this site is once again up for development.

Residents are furious at an application to build 180 homes in Faversham. Picture: Paul Amos

“It is a place that many Faversham people hold very dear for not only the wildlife but the open views.

“Many people go there to walk with their children, undertake wildlife surveys, and walk dogs.

“People hold this with a lot of affection as part of historic Faversham and feel that it should be in a conservation area and protected against development.

“Residents have only just started to get on with life and enjoy the relative peace and quiet from less sewage tanker activity.”

Land where 180 proposed houses could be built at Abbey Fields. Picture: Paul Amos

Their concerns have been backed by Faversham Town Council, whose members have strongly objected to the application after it was discussed at a planning committee meeting at the Guildhall last Monday.

Speaking on behalf of FTC, deputy town clerk Adrienne Begent said: “This site is not designated for development in the Local Plan.

“This land is grade II/III agricultural land and, in accordance with the Local Plan, should not be built on until all other options have been excluded.


“Abbeyfields is a private street and not suitable for the additional traffic that would be generated during construction and occupation.

“The junction on the Whitstable Road is already dangerous and not suitable for additional car movements.”

“People feel very annoyed that this site is once again up for development..." - Lesley Seager

Meanwhile Janice Williams, who lives near to the farmland in question, says the proposal “offers no benefit for the community”.

“It will only serve to bring Whitstable Road to a complete standstill,” she said. “This site provides a valuable green space resource for the community and wildlife.

“The impact of two building sites - Tylman Place and at Love Lane - are already impacting traffic and to even think about directing even more traffic onto Whitstable Road is beyond ridiculous.

“The doctors do not have capacity for existing residents, nor do schools.

“I am sick and tired of the excuse being put forward that it will be affordable housing. All this means is that it will be sold to London borough councils which think it is affordable compared to the house prices there.”

Outline plans for the development - which would also feature internal cycleways, paths and a play area - were submitted to Swale Borough Council by SW Attwood and Partners but have yet to be discussed by the authority.

To view plans, go to SBC’s planning website and use reference 20/500015/OUT.

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Read more: All the latest news from Faversham

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