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Plumes of smoke seen in field in Boughton under Blean following apple bins blaze which took firefighters eight hours to put out

Dramatic footage has emerged of a field blaze overnight.

The fire broke out near Bounds Lane, Boughton-under-Blean at about 11.30pm last night (June 9).

The blaze is believed to have taken place near Bounds Lane, Boughton. Picture: Leah Stanger
The blaze is believed to have taken place near Bounds Lane, Boughton. Picture: Leah Stanger

Images show plumes of smoke billowing from the inferno near residential homes, with flames lighting up the night sky.

It is said to have started in a field close to Boughton Village Hall and Boughton under Blean and Dunkirk Primary School.

One resident told KentOnline she believed it was due to “apple bins burning”.

The blaze can be seen from a residential property in Boughton. Picture: Leah Stanger
The blaze can be seen from a residential property in Boughton. Picture: Leah Stanger
An image of the blaze in Boughton overnight. Picture: Heather Bryant
An image of the blaze in Boughton overnight. Picture: Heather Bryant
The fire in Boughton could be seen from a distance. Picture: Tash Parrot
The fire in Boughton could be seen from a distance. Picture: Tash Parrot

Kent Fire and Rescue says firefighters attended the blaze at 10.20pm and finished putting out the blaze shortly after 6.30am.

A spokeswoman said: “We were called to reports of a large amount of apple crates alight off Bull Lane in Boughton-under-Blean.

“Four fire engines attended the scene, as well as a bulk water carrier.

“There were no reported injuries and the cause is not yet known.”

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