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As this is my first column of 2014 I would like to wish a very Happy New Year to all of you.
January was given its name after the Roman God Janus, who was two-faced with one face looking to the past and one face looking to the future; January represents a great time for new beginnings and opportunities.
Janus was also the God of doors and gates and while the weather may not be appealing, January can be rewarding month if you venture through them and into your garden, that’s if they are still standing of course after all the storms we have had.
We have fence panels along one side of our house which came down with the storms so we are looking at replacing them, we have decided to move away from the solid fence panels as they do not allow the air to permeate so we are going to try a post and rail together with planting some native hedging.
I know it will be a little exposed at first but it wont take long for the hedge to grow.
If you have repairs or new fencing to do its worth seeking out a reputable supplier for your requirements, as it will save you money and hassle in the long run.
Don’t forget the birds
Perhaps you’ve overindulged a little, which is definitely allowed, and are now cutting back. The birds need to do the opposite and require more high-energy fat foods the lucky things! They need this to maintain their fat reserves to survive the frosty nights.
Although winter-feeding undoubtedly benefits birds most, food shortages can occur at any time of year. By feeding the birds year round, you’ll give them a better chance to survive the periods of food shortage whenever they may occur so if possible put out food and water on a regular basis.
Adjust the quantity given to the demand, and try not to allow uneaten foods to accumulate around the feeders. Once a feeding routine is established try not to change it as the birds will become used to it and time their visits to your garden accordingly.