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A van driver who tried to smuggle 16 immigrants including a five-month-old baby into the country claimed he thought he was delivering furniture.
The family of a 14-year-old boy who disappeared three days ago have launched a desperate appeal to find him.
A wartime pistol is to be sent to a museum after it was handed in to police during an amnesty aimed at tackling gun crime.
The heartbroken partner of a landlord gunned down in his pub says she has no words for the "evil" shooter, as she pleads for witnesses to call police.
Police are appealing for witnesses following a reported burglary.
Police are appealing for dashcam footage as part of their investigation into the suspected murder of Joe Daniel.
Kent Police officers investigating a report of an aggravated burglary have issued a computer-generated image of a man they want to identify.
Police have launched a murder investigation after a pub landlord was found shot at his pub.
Rain and gales failed to dampen the spirits of shoppers hunting for a bargain as discount chain B&M opened up its latest shop in Kent.
Tributes have been left to a "lovely" landlord after a man died in a shooting at a pub.
A fund has been set up to help the pregnant girlfriend and child of a man killed in an industrial accident.
A landlord in his 50s has died following a shooting at a pub.
A large and dark silhouette of a warship spotted off the Kent coast sparked concern this afternoon.
Police have cordoned off a pub after a man was seriously injured in a shooting.
Phil Starkey is heading back at Folkestone to bolster their squad ahead of a packed winter fixture list.
The government is being urged to preserve £250 million in lorry parking money for reuse after the end of the Stanford plan.
A 71-year-old ex-soldier has been jailed for four years after posing as a 16-year-old to send sex messages to a young girl on Facebook.
Police have allayed concerns over a flurry of unmarked cars and army helicopters in a district of Kent.
Residents caught up in a fire at a block of flats have described how the banged on doors to alert other neighbours as smoke filled the building.
Two people are in hospital after a blaze broke out in a basement flat.
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