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Frustrated Folkestone shopkeeper warns parents: ‘I'll shame your thieving kids online’

A frustrated shopkeeper has warned parents he will publicly shame children caught stealing from his town centre store following a spate of thefts.

Ritun Amin, owner of Folkestone’s Bouverie News, vented his frustration after two grammar school girls were caught thieving in a day – one had swiped alcohol before lessons.

The owner of Bouverie News in Folkestone has warned parents that he will publicly shame children caught stealing from his store on social mediaPicture: Google
The owner of Bouverie News in Folkestone has warned parents that he will publicly shame children caught stealing from his store on social mediaPicture: Google

He stressed he would no longer tolerate theft and would begin posting pictures of offenders online for their parents and teachers to see.

In a Facebook post which has received more than 400 interactions, he wrote: “I want every parent on here to talk to their kids who go to Bouverie News before and after school to stop stealing from my shop.

“We are an independent shop who work damn hard most days, 15 hours a day.

“Kids from all secondary schools use us daily, which is great.

“But some steal and it makes it difficult for everyone.”

Mr Amin revealed two girls from a local grammar school were caught stealing in one day - one of them before school with alcohol.

“Going forward, just to let you know that anyone caught stealing will be displayed on Facebook for all to see, including their teachers at school,” he warned.

Ritun Amin, owner of Folkestone’s Bouverie News, says grammar school girls were caught thieving. Picture: iStock
Ritun Amin, owner of Folkestone’s Bouverie News, says grammar school girls were caught thieving. Picture: iStock

The post sparked a wave of support from residents and parents, who backed the shopkeeper’s tough stance.

Many agreed that public shaming could help deter young thieves and hold them accountable, others suggested allowing a limited amount of children in at once.

Sally Taylor shared her own experience of dealing with a similar situation involving her child.

“If it was my child, I’d certainly want to know,” she wrote.

“In fact, my child did do this a few years ago, egged on by pals to steal a couple of cans of drink.

“They filmed her and sent it to my older daughter who immediately showed me. I was fuming.

“Took her straight in there, made her admit what she’d done and apologise, and pay for what she’d taken.”

Another supporter, Amz Phillipa Kerr, praised Mr Amin and his shop, saying: “You’re a lovely, lovely man and a lovely shop.

“Such a shame about these children.

“Stealing is unacceptable.”

Lucy Birkett also voiced her support, stating: “100% behind this post!

“I’d have no problem with my child’s picture going up - at least I’d have the chance of finding out and dealing with it at home also.”

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